The Hungarian government does not link pedophilia to issues of sexuality and gender because it wants to criminalize LGBT people in the eyes of the public, but rather because protecting children does not end with stopping sex offenders.
Let us present a few political insights from “theologians” – starting with Abraham Kuyper – of modern politics with a special focus on the Christian source of their thought.
Despite the ambivalent fate of the Jewry of Europe—to put it mildly—from pogroms and blood libels to cooperation and integration from moral and cultural aspects Judaism cannot be separated from Christianity in shaping Europe’s identity.
Talking about the EU, the most symbolical milestone of the deteriorating relation between Christianity and political life was how the EU constitution would have failed to name Christianity and the Judeo-Christian heritage of the continent.
Croatia’s first LNG terminal along with its connecting gas pipeline “Omišalj-Zlobin” enables to connect the Croatian national LNG transmission network both with EU and non-EU states by providing the transport of gas in the direction to Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, and Serbia and Montenegro.
Considering the whole period that has elapsed since 1993, the achievement of the Hungarian political unity in Slovakia has always been sub-served by the majority thanks to her discriminatory and anti-minority actions.
Today’s sometimes toxically bipolar political atmosphere wants you to believe that conservatism – and the right in general – doesn’t care about environmental protection. It is simply not true.
The problem for conservatives with books like Wonderland Belongs to Everyone is that they retroactively try to change the essential meaning, moral lessons and model-creating qualities of classical children’s tales.
There is a drastic increase in the number of children confused by their gender identity in countries where propaganda to young people is widespread.
The government’s view is that such an opportunity should not be missed, as both Hungarian higher education and the economy benefit from the Chinese university coming to Hungary.
The new anti-paedophilia bill passed by the Hungarian legislature on Thursday is yet another proof that the Orbán government does not just pay lip service to important issues such as combating domestic violence or defending children.
Why the message of Black Lives Matter (BLM) does not seem to resonate with most Hungarians?
Hungary’s intention, by refusing the EU declaration, was neither to obstruct peace and stability, nor to pull back humanitarian support for the victims of violence or limit Europe’s ability to exert influence in the region.
It seems that elected Hungarian leaders on the liberal end of the political spectrum hold others to a different standard than themselves.
Recently, a US-proposed peace plan, unveiled in early 2020, offered more than ever before to the Palestinians: increasing the territory of Gaza and linking it to the West Bank.
‘Anyone who visits Hungary can witness a blooming, flourishing Jewish life, with rich festivals, lively cultural events, active social participation.’
‘And yet, at poolside that summer of 1985, if a messenger had swum over to us and said to be of good cheer, because in four years, the Berlin Wall would fall, and Communism would soon cease to exist, both of us would have thought him a madman.’
Faith is a gift, given to people free of charge, not something that can be imposed by force.
Upgrading the Hungarian military industry means that “Hungarians give Hungarian weapons to Hungarian soldiers”.
One of Scruton’s latest works entitled Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition was published in 2017 by All Points Book Publishers. Scruton embarks on a historical introduction of conservatism in six chapters, from its prehistory to the present day.
According to an article published by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association in 2012, ‘the Internet, cellphones, social media, clothing style shifts, music videos and tween/teen movies have impacted the hypersexualization of our children today.’
The elements of the family support system have been expanding year by year. Nonetheless, the most important among these is the family-friendly mentality, which—slowly but steadily—is taking shape in Hungary.
The real change in the relations between the two countries date back to the early 2010s when such international and domestic events occurred which brought the two states, or rather its two leaders closer to each other than ever.
The purpose of the Hungary Helps programme is not only to improve the daily lives of those who are in need, but also to create peaceful coexistence.
The last week of April was the beginning of the first phase of the easing of restrictions as more than 40 per cent of the country’s population had received their first dose of vaccination.
But will the euphoric feeling hold on, and if so, what would the social consequences be?
Despite the hardships and the often politically motivated, reckless critics, Hungary’s strategy including opening to the East for procuring vaccine can be considered a successful, necessary and timely move of the government which put Hungary a step ahead in the EU in terms of inoculation with 44.6 per cent of its population vaccinated, compared to the EU’s 26.5 per cent average.
The way I see it, those Western conservatives who burn masks and agitate against vaccination place themselves on the same platform as leftist opposition parties in Hungary that criticize whatever defence measure the government introduces.
The Super Straight campaign offers a great opportunity to show the militant left the twisted and contradictory nature of their new societal paradigm.
The societal offensive undertaken by the European Commission must be contextualized within a more subtle mutation, implicit in the recent history of the Old Continent.
The Prime Minister stressed that in the middle of next week, after reaching 4 million vaccinatios, a wide range of services will open up to those who have an immunity certificate.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.