Hungarian presidency will provide an opportunity to represent European values that are also important to Hungarians.
Orbán is asking everyone to let doctors and nurses do their jobs, and not to distribute fake videos.
The two countries ‘held hands at the right time’ to jointly try to exploit the opportunities of the changes and shifts in world politics and economy ahead – added the Hungarian PM.
'Live Not by Lies' - goes the famous Solzhenitsyn quote
‘Live Not by Lies’ – goes the famous Solzhenitsyn quote which is also the title of Rod Dreher’s recently published new book. Our podcast host and contributor, Péter Heltai speaks to Mr. Dreher about his work (which has also been reviewed in the first issue), the soft totalitarian phenomenon and the future of dissident voices […]
This is Budapest: a big city that dreamed and then built for itself a colourful past during the last decades of the old world, in those final moments before the dawn of modernism.
Scruton wrote that the foundation of democracy is not necessarily liberalism but a sense of national loyalty.
The former Soviet satellite states which mainly joined the EU in 2004 are the main bulwarks against the revival of ideologies with their roots in communist thinking.
In the age of soft colonization and hybrid neo-colonialism, the war of independence must be fought in the cultural field in the first place.
The Recovery Plan is an unprecedented response to an unprecedented crisis. It also exemplifies the dilemmas the Union faces in the most turbulent period of its short history.
This journal aspires to be the foremost English-language voice of twenty-first-century Hungarian conservatism.
As Live Not by Lies makes clear, we are facing the zealots of a new sect with its own dogmas, clergy, and easily uttered anathemas.
The revival and reinstatement of tradition, its restoration if you like, is by no means self-contradictory, and constancy is a more important element of tradition than change.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.