President Theodore Roosevelt hand-picked his successor William Howard Taft in 1908. However, he later turned against him, and ran as a third-party candidate in the 1912 election after failing to get the Republican party’s nomination, which led to the election of Woodrow Wilson, the first Democrat to win the Presidency in 20 years.
‘We’ve looked at other things involving Hungary that have been done through the State Department, like the change in the visa programme, which seemed like it was perhaps punitive. So we tried to get some records from the State Department about that. We filed a lawsuit. But we haven’t been looking at the EU-Hungary relationship. That’s something that is out of the scope of our usual tools, lawsuits and public records requests.’
‘Mass immigration has changed the face of Europe. This is not to say that all immigrants are evil, but we would be blind to ignore the growing social, ethnic and religious tensions and security challenges that mass migration has brought to Europe in recent decades. As many have pointed out several times, one of the first victims of this is European Jewry.’
An interactive exhibition paying tribute to the work of Nobel laureates Albert Szent-Györgyi and Katalin Karikó has opened at the University of Szeged, aiming to inspire young people to pursue careers in science. The exhibition also showcases the history of the institution, tracing its origins back to 1581, with special emphasis on its relocation from Transylvania to Szeged in 1921.
At a book launch on 12 September young researchers of the MCC Centre for Next Technological Futures discussed their findings regarding startups and robots with renowned international experts. The English-language book summarizes the fact-based research conducted by the Centre over the past two years, the results of which have already been presented by the student researchers at several international conferences.
58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh pointed a rifle at President Trump while he was golfing at his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida but Secret Service agents thwarted the assassination attempt. Routh, apprehended by the police shortly after the incident, is an avid supporter of Ukraine and has apparently attempted to recruit volunteers to fight against Russia.
The municipality statement issued on 16 September said that from 1 January 2026 the Terézváros local government will set the number of days that properties can be used for short-term rentals in the district at zero. The referendum was called in response to the growing number of resident complaints about the disturbance caused by Airbnb-type accommodations.
‘Voters have been grossly ignored. The people of Budapest voted for change: in fact, most Budapesters rejected the Karácsony-led alliance. But now it seems that the backroom deals, and the distribution of positions, power, and money to incompetent cronies will continue to define Budapest’s leftist politics. The party with the most votes, Fidesz, has been entirely left out of the assembly-forming negotiations.’
‘Space and time represent the two archetypes of political existence…Space inherently belongs to the polis, the starting point of political ‘residence’ (at least in the European cultural circle), and time belongs to the ship, the instrument of the ‘free movement of capital and labour’; the ship is an ancient invention but it is also—only developed later in time—a symbol of progression, change and technological dominance.’
‘Leaders who carry the banner of nationalism recognize that they need strong administrative, economic, and military incentives to shape their inhabitants into nations. Without this, their task to successfully contend with other states in the international environment would be in vain.’
Ukko Metsola is a top lobbyist for the Royal Caribbean Group, the world’s second-largest cruise ship company. So ironically, while Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, has been apparently making efforts to have green regulations adopted by the EP, her husband is lobbying for a global polluter. In addition, thanks to the new code of ethics she pushed through, she is not required to disclose potential conflicts of interest.
‘Although the political forces thinking in terms of a European alternative failed to replace the Brussels Grand Coalition in the 2024 EP elections, there is a real chance that they could organize themselves into a new right-wing pole in the next five years, which could bring about a real systemic change in Brussels politics.’
Mongol rule brought not only immense destruction and suffering to the peoples of the conquered territories but also peace, known in modern research as ‘pax Mongolica’. The period of the Mongol Empire (1206–1368) is unique in world history.
An in-depth interview with Enkő Gorondi, founder and headmaster of the Aprókfalva Montessori Preschool and learning pod, a unique Hungarian daily educational institution in Piscataway, New Jersey; and her daughter, who, as a teacher, scout leader and folk dance teacher is also an active member of the local Hungarian community.
A recent op-ed on The Federalist argues that the conduct of ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis during the debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris constituted an illegal, in-kind campaign contribution to the Harris campaign worth over $40 million.
According to EU forecasts, the Hungarian economy could be the third fastest-growing economy in the EU next year, Viktor Orbán said in his regular public radio interview on Friday morning. He highlighted the paramount importance of avoiding the forming of economic blocs, a view that is shared by leading European political and economic players.
‘If you’re not a sovereign nation, then you’re just a land mass where people can come, they can live, they can work, they can seek refuge regardless of what the laws actually are…You see that now you have Venezuelan gangs who have taken over American communities that didn’t have a single presence in the United States just a few years ago. This has all happened in the last couple of years under the Biden-Harris policies. ‘
The conference featured research by Italian author and journalist Thomas Fazi, whose report ‘The Silent Coup’ was recently published by MCC Brussels. In his report Fazi argues that the sovereign debt crisis, the refugee crisis, the Brexit referendum, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war in Ukraine all contributed to the widening of the European Commission’s competences.
‘The Hungarian presidency is focusing on finding real answers to real problems,’ Hungarian State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltán Kovács stressed during a panel discussion on Thursday evening in Budapest. The event centred on the Hungarian EU presidency, with fellow panellist Enikő Győri, MEP for Patriots for Europe, adding that despite constant political attacks, the professional work of the Hungarian presidency has been widely praised in the corridors of Brussels.
This autumn marks the sixth edition of the PesText International Literary and Cultural Festival, where audiences can meet key figures of contemporary world literature. The festival’s primary aim is to provide opportunities for foreign language authors and readers to meet, with special attention given to the literature of neighbouring countries, Eastern and Central Europe, and the Visegrád Four.
Since Strabag has previously stated that it does not consider its stake in the railway company a strategic investment and is willing to sell it, the last obstacle has been removed for the Hungarian state to further increase its ownership in the Győr–Sopron–Ebenfurth Railway Corporation.
Minister for European Union Affairs János Bóka has been delegated to negotiate with Brussels about the €200 million fine Hungary received for failing to meet migrant quotas, Gergely Gulyás also revealed.
The European Union’s industrial strategy prioritizes the green and digital transformation of the automotive industry, with a strong focus on promoting electromobility. Hungarian State Secretary for Industrial Policy and Technology Gergely Fábián highlighted at a recent event in Brussels that Hungary is at the forefront of this effort, viewing the automotive industry and battery production as strategic sectors. Hungary was also one of the first member states to call for an EU-level action plan to promote electromobility.
In order to ensure the high-quality execution of the project, a two-stage international design competition will be launched for the new exhibition building by the Debrecen Infrastructure Development Ltd on behalf of the city of Debrecen, inviting submissions from leading international and domestic architectural firms.
This week, Germany, the European Union’s largest economy and one of the founding members of the Schengen area, decided to reintroduce border controls along its entire land border in response to growing pressure caused by illegal migration. Increasingly, more member states are following suit for similar reasons, raising the risk that internal border controls will become standard practice, ultimately threatening the existence of one of the EU’s greatest achievements: the Schengen area.
The exhibition, open until 24 November, showcases the role of traditional craftsmanship in contemporary visual art through over three hundred artefacts. The objects are displayed within both ethnographic and applied arts contexts, allowing for the parallel exploration of different perspectives.
Accompanied by the music of Hungarian composer György Ligeti, 2001: A Space Odyssey explores the origins of human life, with the screenplay co-written by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick suggesting that extraterrestrial intelligence played a conscious role in human development.
An in-depth interview with Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Programme scholars Ágnes and István Vámosi, who undertook the responsibility of teaching Hungarian folk dance in Los Angeles for two years with their little son, Pityke in tow.
‘If the West wants to maintain its geopolitical weight and address its internal tensions, it should focus primarily on solving its own structural problems…, rather than transforming these internal problems into a global geopolitical conflict. External conflicts and total attempts to dominate the planet will not only fail to solve internal tensions but will ultimately exacerbate them.’
Vice President Kamala Harris did a lot better against President Donald Turmp than Joe Biden, that is undeniable. However, there are a lot of saving graces for President Trump’s performance.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.