The exhibition presents the complete history of the building complex rebuilt in 2014, from the late 19th century to the present day, through three key periods, as highlighted during the opening ceremony at the venue.
Catholic kindergartens will be able to accommodate fourteen thousand more children with the support of the Catholic Kindergarten Programme. The programme is not only implemented in Budapest and major cities, but also in smaller towns and villages, representing a significant step forward in the lives of Hungarian families.
‘With Donald Trump in the White House, the abusive relationship between Washington and Budapest will end. U.S. Ambassador David Pressman will be replaced by someone who actually understands the need for an ambassador to be diplomatic. And with the European Union having reduced itself to being a vassal of the Greater American Empire, Hungary will likely be able to count on support from Washington in its everlasting disputes with Brussels.’
Hungary and the European Space Agency have signed a framework agreement, paving the way for the Hungarian space research programme to be conducted in collaboration with the agency, making it a unique example in Europe.
A total of 23 applications were received, of which 19 were considered valid and worthy of support by the evaluation committee.
The president of MRC Free Speech America reminded that the only criminal charges of the many against President Trump that have any legal merit are the ones related to mishandling classified information. However, it is actually common for Presidents to keep some classified documents in their private residences from their times in office: even Joe Biden did so after leaving the Vice Presidency, yet he was never charged. Mr Schneider also opined that we would not see a criminal trial of Donald Trump before the election, as by the time the Supreme Court hands down its ruling on his immunity case, there would be no time to put him on trial before 5 November.
Former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is the frontrunner to become NATO’s next Secretary General, with the support of Washington, London, Berlin, and Paris. However, Hungary has expressed objections regarding the Dutch politician’s candidacy. As a consensus is required for his election, a Hungarian veto could potentially lead to Rutte’s downfall.
Industrial power plants and storage facilities can be connected to the grid by 2030, the Ministry of Energy announced. The current energy storage capacity of only twenty megawatts could increase twentyfold by 2026 and fiftyfold by 2030.
‘Communist-inspired wokeness, under the pretension to promote ‘anti-racism’, has not only captivated university campuses and social media, but it has also infiltrated the mindset in the workplace, in both the public and private sectors. This has given birth to cancel culture, which, like the National Socialists, both censors or restricts free speech and erases or reconstructs history to befit whims.’
In the midst of tensions among the Visegrád Group countries, Viktor Orbán spoke about the potential for a partnership between Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and Serbia. In what areas could these countries cooperate, and what difficulties might impede such a partnership?
President Trump won 14 out of the 15 states up for grabs on Super Tuesday, with Nikki Haley taking Vermont. Meanwhile, President Biden is falling short in more than one way in primary trends in the 21st century for incumbent presidents.
MITEM and the grand theatrical Olympics have opened a new chapter in cultural diplomacy. Entering its second decade, the meeting bears witness to cohesion, mutual respect, interest, the enriching power of diversity.
In 2022, the long upward trend in online shopping came to a halt, and it further deteriorated last year. The number of buyers decreased the most markedly in the 16–35 age group.
According to a recent survey, half of Hungarian consumers find it important for the product to be of Hungarian origin or to have Hungarian ingredients, but only one in ten consumers considers it important for the brand or retailer to be domestic.
All nine justices agreed that the 14th Amendment does not give states the power to bar someone from running for federal office, only Congress has that power. Therefore, states cannot remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot in the 2024 presidential election.
This comes in addition to the €10.2 billion of COVID recovery and EU cohesion funds released in December 2023.
According to a recent poll, an absolute majority of Hungarians would prefer to see Donald Trump as the next president of the United States. The survey results indicate that the Hungarian government and Hungarian voters agree that the return of the former Republican president would be more beneficial for Hungary.
According to the report published by Amnesty International, the pro-family policy introduced by the Prime Minister is contrary to human rights, as it discriminates against individuals from the LGBT community and fosters a climate of fear in society.
The Cairo government is making great efforts to ensure that Christians can live in peace in the country and to stem the spread of violence often attributable to religious differences.
‘For conservatives of both nations, a Trump victory in November would be highly significant. For Hungary, strengthening political and business relations with a key ally gives the country even greater leverage with its European counterparts and cements the Orbán government as the cornerstone for European relations with the United States for at least the next four years. For the United States, having not just an ally, but a friendly government in Europe with similar geopolitical aims that can act as a conduit to Russia and China will be exceedingly important for geopolitical and economic objectives.’
Deputy State Secretary Szabolcs Szolnoki emphasized that the aim of the government programmes is to ensure the accessibility of digital technologies to as many stakeholders as possible through the involvement of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs). The objective of Hungarian EDIHs is to assess the digital maturity of 1,500 small and medium-sized enterprises, provide technical training for 300 entrepreneurs, and offer business development and engineering consultations.
Former US President Donad Trump has been frequently speaking of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in complementary terms on the campaign trail lately. The two statesmen met once already: in May 2019, Trump hosted Orbán in the White House.
The target of six gigawatts was originally set to be achieved by 2030. However, since Hungary has already reached this goal, the government has raised the target to twelve gigawatts by the end of the same period.
While it is evident that the parties do not share the same perspective on the Ukrainian question, this difference of opinions could be overcome by concentrating on common interests in other areas. Although embarking on this path requires compromises and the harmonization of interests, with no particular policy proposal in that regard adopted at this time, the summit had symbolic significance, sending the message that the V4 alliance is still relevant.
Located just minutes from Andrássy Avenue and the Opera House, the Pullman Budapest Hotel will open its doors on 27 March, offering 136 elegant and comfortable rooms on seven floors.
The European Union’s migration and asylum policy is an area that is the focus of major political debates on a daily basis…This is particularly the case when national authorities seek guidance in individual cases from the ECJ, which has the binding power to fundamentally determine or change legislative practice—often leading to new political debates or new layers of political debate.
Addressing the Russo–Ukrainian war in his remarks at the opening event of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s annual economic conference, Orbán said only ‘a new player, who had no role in the outbreak of this war, can pave a way out,’ clearly alluding to former US President Donald Trump.
Throughout the years, Hungary has produced a cornucopia of iconic, memorable cartoons, for both film and television, such as Marcell Jankovics’s TV series Magyar Népmesék (Hungarian Folk Tales, 1980–2012), or Béla Ternovszky’s animated feature comedy Macskafogó (Cat City, 1986).
During his trip to the United States, Balázs Orbán was hosted by Tucker Carlson, which suggests that the latter may have an interview in the pipeline with the Hungarian Prime Minister’s political director. In addition to launching his latest book, Balázs Orbán travelled to the United States to prepare Viktor Orbán’s visit coming up this week.
During the excavations, experts uncovered and collected a significant quantity of human bones, finding intact or partially preserved skeletons in 18 sections.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.