The author at the statue of the Pest Lad, an iconic symbol of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight, at Corvin köz, Budapest.

East Toward Home — An Exiled American Finds His Place Among the Magyars

‘Before I left for America on this trip, I complained to a Magyar friend about how stubborn Hungarians are, and how they refuse to change their ways of doing things, even when there is a plainly better way. “You’re right, we are like that,” she said. “But consider that our hard-headed temperamental conservatism is also the thing that makes us willing to stand up to Brussels and tell them to go to hell.” Touché.’

Emese’s Dream -- Drawing by Gyula László

The Spiritual History of the Hungarian Nation — Part I

‘As a committed Protestant, Joó emphasized the primacy of “spirit” over matter in almost all his writings, but he failed to take into account that religion and “spirit” do not always overlap, and religiosity itself simply becomes ineffective if so-called religious people view the world on the same premises as their atheistic and materialistic counterparts.’

Ethiopian Christian Orthodox Paintings, Yeha, Ethiopia (Centre: St George slaying the dragon)

Ethiopia: The First Christian Nation?

‘Armenia, according to the hagiographical account of the monk Agathangelos, is considered to be the first Christian nation when in the year 301 A.D. the Armenian King Trdat III was baptized by St. Gregory the Illuminator. Yet, if one is to accept legend as history in that Armenia was the first nation to officially accept Christianity, then Ethiopia, based on what is written on the 8th chapter in the Acts of the Apostles, has a better claim to that title.’

Officials, including South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa, Russia's President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping, attend a plenary session in the outreach/BRICS Plus format at the BRICS summit in Kazan on 24 October 2024.

Will the Expansion of BRICS Dethrone the Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency?

Despite BRICS countries’ impressive recent expansion and acquired regional and international leverage both economically and politically, the US dollar’s position as the global reserve currency seems unshakable at present…Upon examining the situation globally, it can be observed that 90 per cent of all foreign exchange transactions in the world were conducted with the help of the US dollar.

Borderless Homeland — A Conversation with Györgyi Bőjtös

‘The diaspora mentality finds the meaning of Hungarian identity in the traditional folk values ​​and advocates these throughout the world. It doesn’t isolate itself either from the world or from present-day Hungary but nurtures contacts with both; builds and maintains relationships everywhere. The idea of ​​a “borderless homeland” means “Wherever there is a Hungarian, there is Hungary.”’

Construction of New National Gallery in Budapest Set to Begin in 2025

The construction of Hungary’s New National Gallery in Budapest is expected to start in 2025, with the goal of transforming the revitalized City Park into one of Europe’s most sophisticated cultural quarters. The new institution is planned to open within the decade, showcasing Hungary’s commitment to a forward-looking cultural renaissance.

A man walks past a wall adorned with banners honouring Russian servicemen defending Kursk on 17 October 2024.

Internationalization of the Russia–Ukraine War: North Korean Soldiers on the Battlefield?

While the prospect of North Korean soldiers arriving at the front lines is alarming, there are already many foreign mercenaries fighting on the Russian side in Ukraine. Moscow has trained mercenaries near Aleppo, with at least 100 Syrians believed to have joined the Russian army. A couple of months ago, the government of Nepal has demanded the Kremlin stop recruiting Nepalese into its military. Since the Crocus City Hall terror attack in Moscow, the Kremlin has also been recruiting Central Asian migrants, presenting them with the option of either serving in Ukraine or being deported back to their countries.

Rise of the Raven: World Premiere in Cannes

The world premiere of the ten-part Rise of the Raven (Hunyadi) TV series was held at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in Cannes, France at MIPCOM, one of the most important annual events for the film, television and streaming industry. The sold-out screening was attended by the series’ creators as well as Hungarian and international stars and producers.

The crowd gathered in Kossuth Square for the proclamation of the Third Hungarian Republic on 23 October 1989

Thirty-Five Years of the Hungarian Republic — A Country Transformed

‘The post–1989 period has not been free from debates and conflicts on how Hungary could and should assert its national interest while integrating into the Western order. The Left has been anxious about not integrating into and aligning with the “developed” West fast enough, while Conservatives have feared the loss of tradition, identity, and national consciousness in the melting pot of accelerating globalization.’