Lufthansa to Pay $4 Million for Discriminating Against Jewish Passengers

128 Orthodox Jewish men were not allowed to board their connecting flight to Budapest, Hungary in Frankfurt, Germany by the German commercial airline Lufthansa in May 2022. Only some of these passengers disregarded COVID-19 rules at the time, but they were all penalized as a group. For this incident, Lufthansa has agreed to pay $4 million in penalties.

Scholz Ready to Negotiate with Putin — The First Ray of Hope in the Fog of War?

‘Scholz’s statement is the first ray of light piercing the fog of war that has shrouded Europe for the past two years. It could be downplayed, but Germany remains one of the EU’s most influential member states, and Berlin’s wright is undeniable, despite its current economic challenges. The experience of recent years shows that what Germany pushes for in the EU often becomes reality sooner or later.’

WSJ Calls Out UN Peacekeepers for Hindering Israel War Effort

A recent The Wall Street Journal’s editorial argues that UNIFIL, the United Nations’ peacekeeping mission in operation since 1978, has been allowing Hezbollah to stockpile weapons and build up infrastructure in southern Lebanon, the very place UNIFIL is supposed to keep safe from terror groups.

Orbán Versus EP: One Adult in a Room Full of Spoiled Children

‘In this temple of political spectacle and exaggerated posturing, he [Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary] demonstrated, over the course of three hours, that among the spoiled children, there was only one adult in the room,’ Rodrigo Ballester writes in an opinion piece published by Brussels Signal on Viktor Orbán’s ‘debate’ at the European Parliament last week.

Kamala Harris Exposed for Plagiarizing Wikipedia by Chris Rufo

Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris got herself into an embarrassing scandal, after conservative activist and writer Chris Rufo revealed that she had included virtually unedited passages from uncredited sources, including the open online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. Rufo’s accusations of plagiarism led to the resignation of Harvard president Claudine Gay earlier this year.

Ancient China Food Stories Exhibition Opens in Budapest

A grand exhibition titled Fine Dining: Food Stories of Ancient China will be on display at the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest from 16 October 2024 until 19 January 2025. This unique exhibition features about 90 artefacts from the collection of the National Museum of China, from ancient to modern times, offering visitors a chance to get acquinted with China’s ancient culinary traditions.

A Republican Feel-Good Story: The Election of 1984

Republican Ronald Reagan, a former Hollywood actor and Governor of California, took 49 out of the 50 states in the 1984 election, netting him an all-time record of 525 electoral votes. During his first term in office he managed to solve the two crises plaguing his predecessor Jimmy Carter’s administration: high inflation and the Iranian hostage crisis.

Police gather at the scene of a shooting in Brooklyn that left one person dead in New York City, USA, 16 June 2022.

Soros’s Rogue Prosecutors

‘There have been too many victims of too many crimes in too many cities across our country as a result of this radical, anti-democratic, warped version of justice. The best way to defeat a Soros-funded or inspired rogue prosecutor is not to elect one in the first place. Public safety in the United States depends, in large part, on who occupies the office of the local district attorney.’

Minister of State Sándor Czomba Talks European Competitiveness

At an informal meeting of the ministers of EU Member States responsible for employment and social policy in Budapest, Hungary, Minister of State Sándor Czomba said that increasing the competitiveness of the European Union is ‘the most important challenge’ of the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union.