Hungary Leads Europe in Promoting Electromobility

The European Union’s industrial strategy prioritizes the green and digital transformation of the automotive industry, with a strong focus on promoting electromobility. Hungarian State Secretary for Industrial Policy and Technology Gergely Fábián highlighted at a recent event in Brussels that Hungary is at the forefront of this effort, viewing the automotive industry and battery production as strategic sectors. Hungary was also one of the first member states to call for an EU-level action plan to promote electromobility.

Future of Schengen Is at Clear Risk Due to Illegal Migration

This week, Germany, the European Union’s largest economy and one of the founding members of the Schengen area, decided to reintroduce border controls along its entire land border in response to growing pressure caused by illegal migration. Increasingly, more member states are following suit for similar reasons, raising the risk that internal border controls will become standard practice, ultimately threatening the existence of one of the EU’s greatest achievements: the Schengen area.

President Donald J. Trump, joined by Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, sign the U.S. China Phase One Trade Agreement in the East Room of the White House on 15 January 2020

Decoupling and Reorganization

‘If the West wants to maintain its geopolitical weight and address its internal tensions, it should focus primarily on solving its own structural problems…, rather than transforming these internal problems into a global geopolitical conflict. External conflicts and total attempts to dominate the planet will not only fail to solve internal tensions but will ultimately exacerbate them.’

The Memory of 9/11 Unites America Even in the Most Divided Times

‘For us Hungarians it is easy to empathize with Americans over their national tragedy, 9/11, given Hungary’s centuries-long history of tragic events. In many ways, 9/11 is similar to Trianon—the greatest national tragedy of the country. The most significant parallel is that, like Trianon, the memory of 9/11 unites the nation often divided in everyday life, regardless of how deep the divisions may be.’

Hungary Selects Semmelweis for Oscar Submission in International Film Category

The film, which tells the story of the world-renowned Hungarian doctor Ignác Semmelweis, won the award for Best Film at the Toronto EU Film Festival based on audience votes. In Hungary approximately 350,000 people have seen the film drama, and its success continued on the largest streaming platform, according to the statement.