A Brief History of the Impact of Presidential Debates in US History

With the 1960 US presidential race between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon being so close, many scholars and commentators believed at the time that it was the first ever televised presidential debate that decided the outcome of the election. As a result, most campaign strategists deemed debating too risky for the candidates, thus no presidential debate took place in the US until 1976, when incumbent Gerald Ford debated Jimmy Carter.

What the Hungarian EU Presidency Can Mean for the West Balkans

An analytical piece by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network examines the ways Hungary can advance the EU accession of Western Balkan countries while also pointing out possible obstacles to the process as well as the reasons why the Orbán administration has decided to make the issue one of its top priorities.

Andrej Babiš, Herbert Kickl and Viktor Orbán in Vienna on 30 June 2024

Orbán, Kickl, Babiš Announce New European Alliance in Vienna

On Sunday, 30 June 2024 Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared that a new era in European politics has begun. At a press conference held jointly with Herbert Kickl and Andrej Babiš PM Orbán outlined the vision for a revamped European political alliance. The new political family aims to reshape the landscape of European governance and address the pressing issues faced by the continent, the Hungarian prime minister said.

USD Is Still King of All Currencies Despite Fears of It Losing Global Dominance

‘In the end, the USD’s centrality to the system of global payments also increases the power of sanctions it imposes on other countries or individuals. In truth, since almost all trade is done in American dollars, even trade among other countries, they can always be subject to US sanctions because they are handled by so-called correspondent banks with accounts at the Federal Reserve. By cutting off the ability to transact in USD, Washington can make it uncomfortable for those it blacklists to do business.’

What Were the Party Habits of the Youth of the Hungarian Kádár Era?

During the Kádár era, it was forbidden to drink alcohol on the streets and sometimes people were even searched and checked in pubs. In contrast, at house parties, young people had the opportunity to meet and flirt, and they only had to worry that their parents would come home earlier or that annoying neighbours would call the police on them on the landline phone.

‘We should build on our Christian tradition to preserve European values’ – An Interview with Professor Ferenc Hörcher

‘The protection of human life, the protection of the family, or the protection of the sort of education that characterized Europe are basic values ​​that we should definitely stick to because otherwise we are not Europeans,’ Professor Ferenc Hörcher, Director of the Research Institute of Politics and Government at Ludovika University of Public Service told Hungarian Conservative in a recent interview.