Budapest–Belgrade Railway Expected to Become Strategic Hub Amidst Shifting Global Trade Routes

The transformation of global supply chains has accentuated the importance of the Budapest–Belgrade railway. As a result, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) may become profitable not in the widely reported 979 years, but in only a few years. If the project lives up to expectations, it will not only prove the success of Hungary‘s Opening to the East policy and connectivity goals, but will also position Hungary as a preferable investment destination.

Tusványos, MCC Feszt, and Tranzit Festival: Conservative Political Festivals in Hungary

While political festivals are not unique per se, there is something unique about how the Hungarian right organizes its gatherings. Their continuing success is not due to populist chauvinism, or to making them mere echo chambers. In fact, plenty of world views, including opposition voices highly critical of the Orbán administration, clashed on stage in front of captivated audiences many times this summer.

Julian Dorio, drummer of the US band Eagles of Death Metal who performed at the Bataclan theatre on the night of the Islamist massacre, pays his respects to the victims on 8 December 2015.

The Ongoing Islamic Dilemma

‘There will never be a full-proof manner in individualizing who within a Muslim community is a terrorist. At the same time, doing absolutely nothing, like the elite in Brussels does, only harbours Muslim jihadists on our front porch while they are preparing for the next attack.’

Republicans Win Mississippi Governor’s Race, Democrats Take Kentucky

Both incumbent governors, Republican Tate Reeves of Mississippi and Democrat Andy Beshear of Kentucky were reelected last night, in line with the incumbent advantage trend of gubernatorial elections in the US. However, Republicans had to endure a disappointment in the Virginia state legislature elections, as they lost their majority in the House of Delegates and failed to at least tie the Senate.