Képernyőfotó 2022-06-17 - 12.43.36

Evolution of the Political Role of the European Commission

Frequent charges against the Commission are predominantly based on the fact that it lacks democratic legitimacy for making decisions regarding issues of ideology, and it is not held accountable by anyone for its political decisions, which would certainly be unthinkable in democratic circumstances.


REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW Economist Sven R. Larson: ‘Hungary deserves respect, not critique’ from EU ‘Since Viktor Orbán became prime minister, his country has had one


Nothing Guarantees That the EU Will Exist Forever

We discussed the future chances of conservatism, the possible political role of Christianity, and how the ‘rainbow culture’ in Germany uses Hungary as an antipole, a perceived enemy, to forge an identity for itself.

Képernyőfotó 2021-11-06 - 21.53.30

Forgotten Origins of Christian Democracy

The fact that Christian socialist and Christian democratic tendencies simultaneously appeared
in the nascent political Catholicism is another similarity between the Hungarian and the European scenes.