Balázs Orbán: Hungarians Cannot Settle for Mediocrity

Balázs Orbán opined that the economic competition between the Western and non-Western world is becoming balanced, thus the world is returning to a state of equilibrium. He recalled that in 1990, the Western world accounted for 50 per cent of the global economic power, whereas this year it is only 30 percent, and this loss of influence is visible in several areas.

Balázs Orbán at the conference on the government’s public administration fellowship programme held at the Lónyay-Hatvany Villa in October 2021.

Balázs Orbán on Hungary’s EU Presidency, Kosovo, the Future of the EU and the US Presidential Election

Balázs Orbán pointed out that Hungarian foreign policy has long sought to draw attention to the fact that the Balkans should be offered the prospective of European integration. ‘This is another potential conflict zone that can explode just like the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. It is important for every EU country to stand in favour of the Western Balkans enlargement policy for the sake of the stability of the region,’ he emphasised.

Escaping the Middle-Income Trap: Hungary’s Way Forward According to Balázs Orbán

What is also crucial to the strategy proposed by Balázs Orbán is the preservation of interconnectivity within the West. Strengthening the cornerstones of Western civilisation, rooted in Judeo-Christian values, is paramount, the political director underscores in his piece, adding that sovereignty, religion, and family must be defended from destructive attempts to ‘undermine our shared values and identity.’

Balázs Orbán Addressed CPAC Japan

This past weekend, two speakers from Hungary spoke at CPAC Japan. The political director of the prime minister and the head of the Center for Fundamental Rights both discussed the successes and objectives of conservative politics in Hungary.