Hungarian Conservative

Orbán’s CPAC Speech: The Promise Hungary Holds for Western Conservative Parties

It would be too much to say that Viktor Orbán has seen the future. But he has indeed seen the dark future that awaits all of us if the globalists, the gender ideologues, and the other servants of the woke Machine triumph. On the American scene at the moment, only Ron DeSantis shares both Orbán’s vision, and Orbán’s focus and policy skills to transform that vision into reality.

Wokebusters International Mission Kicks Off in the United States

The Wokebusters initiative, launched in July, is starting its first international mission. Miklós Szánthó, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, stated that their first stop will be the United States, as it is the home of the woke movement. But the Wokebusters also have many allies in the US who are committed to the values of God, country, and family,, the director general added.

Center for Fundamental Rights Announces Wokebusters Task Force

The new anti-woke initiative will consist of two main pillars: an emergency response information chain alerting the members of the nefarious activity of progressive, woke actors anywhere in the world; and one focused on the organization of conferences and workshops for right-wing activists.

CPAC Hungary 2024 – International conservative conference in Budapest, 25–26 April 2024

Culture Warriors on the Danubian Stump

‘Hungary is the tell-tale sign that legal norms and moral niceties have fallen prey to corrosive ideologies, but other would-be leaders who attended CPAC this year and were inspired by its statesmanlike example should not be fooled. If they win, they are next.’

New Dutch Prime Minister Sworn Into Office

Dick Schoof, the 67-year-old independent former Director-General of the General Intelligence and Security Service, arose as a compromise candidate for prime minister after seven months of negotiations between the winning PVV party and its coalition partners. The new cabinet has vowed to implement the strictest migration and asylum policy in the history of the country.

Donald Trump Convicted — Viktor Orbán Reacts

In what was a highly controversial process from the very beginning, a Manhattan jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on all felony counts. Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán expressed his continued support of the former President on social media, highlighting that ultimately it would be the American people to ‘make their verdict this November’.

Facebook Bans Hungarian Pro-Israeli News Site

For reasons unknown, the Facebook page of the Hungarian pro-Israel news website was banned by Meta on Sunday. EMIH Chief Rabbi Slomó Köves’ page was also removed. Both pages have since been restored, but the incidents are quite troubling, considering the that the bans appear to have had no basis whatsoever.

Gergely Dobozi, senior researcher at the Danube Institute and editor-in-chief of Hungarian Conservative, speaks at the Transatlantic Patriot Summit IV in Budapest on 27 April 2024.

Let’s Globalize Conservatism!

‘My young friends, our responsibility is immense. We are the last generation that could rely solely on our parents to differentiate between right and wrong. Yet, we are also fully immersed in the technological advancements of the 21st century. We have an opportunity to globalize conservatism.’