Hungarian Conservative

Former President Donald Trump addresses the attendees of CPAC Hungary 2023 in a video message on 5 May 2023.

Culture Warriors on the Danubian Stump

‘Protecting the innocence of children against efforts to sexualize them, upholding the legality of borders and asylum procedures, safekeeping the right of states to exercise national sovereignty in areas where it remains their legal prerogative: pursuing these aims isn’t a bed of roses. It exposes one to media disinformation, financial blackmail, and attacks on personal honor.’

Who’s Afraid of National Conservatism in Europe?

‘Why did the left-wing oligarchy (a political-administrative and academic-media apparatus) mobilize its militant wing against a conference of a few hundred conservatives? Did it fear that its political opponents would win too many hearts, minds, and Euros? No. Canceling the original, sought-after venue was a naked exercise of its power. Réseau Ades warned that the agitation efforts will persist until NatCon Brussels 2024 is entirely aborted.’

Dan Schneider Talks Super Tuesday at Center for Fundamental Rights

The president of MRC Free Speech America reminded that the only criminal charges of the many against President Trump that have any legal merit are the ones related to mishandling classified information. However, it is actually common for Presidents to keep some classified documents in their private residences from their times in office: even Joe Biden did so after leaving the Vice Presidency, yet he was never charged. Mr Schneider also opined that we would not see a criminal trial of Donald Trump before the election, as by the time the Supreme Court hands down its ruling on his immunity case, there would be no time to put him on trial before 5 November.