Explosion in Kosovo: PM Orbán Urges Impartial Investigation

Last Friday an explosion occurred at a canal near the town of Zubin Potok in Kosovo, a key component of the country’s energy supply. While Pristina blames Belgrade for the incident, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has called for an independent investigation.

Budapest Fireworks Amaze Spectators Once Again Despite One Hour Delay

Since some data indicated that a storm was inbound, a task force gathered to assess whether or not the fireworks show could be safely held. Albeit with an hour delay, it was eventually allowed to move forward, with over 45,000 individual pyrotechnical effects and 1,300 drones entertaining the crowd.

St John of Capistrano – Combative Lion at the Service of the Church

St John of Capistrano, Hero of the 1456 Victory at Nándorfehérvár

The crusader army numbering tens of thousands that St John of Capistrano recruited played an important role in the successful defence of the Fortress of Nándorfehérvár and in the battle that ended the siege. John Hunyadi would have been defeated at the fortress walls if Capistrano had not attacked the Ottoman camp with his crusaders on 21 July.

Saint Ladislaus, the Crusade Leader

‘The first units of the First Crusade, and then the main army led by Godfrey of Bouillon, did cross the Hungarian Kingdom, but by then King Coloman was on the throne, the successor of Ladislaus. It was also well known that the only Hungarian-led crusade to the Holy Land was launched in 1217 under King Andrew II. Yet Hungarian medieval narrative sources record one more. They tell an interesting and controversial story about King Saint Ladislaus…Given the fact that the Hungarian king died on 29 July 1095, almost half a year before the first Crusade was announced at the Council of Clermont in November 1095, modern scholarship quickly lost confidence in the historicity of the account.’

The UAE-made guided-glide weapon Desert Sting-16

Hungary and United Arab Emirates Sign Military Cooperation Agreement

The minister underscored that strengthening ties with the United Arab Emirates, a significant economic and military power in the Gulf region, can complement Hungary’s defence development programme, whether it involves defence-oriented research, innovation, or the manufacturing of military equipment.