Major General László Sticz speaking at the release ceremony for the Hungarian troops that will be serving in the EUFOR ALTHEA mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 18 December 2023.

The Balkans’ Peace is Hungary’s Peace

On 18 December, a release ceremony was held for the Hungarian troops of the EUFOR Althea mission. From January 2024, the EU peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be led by a Hungarian commander, Major General László Stitz.

A Leopard tank of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

Leopard Tanks Arrive in Hungary

At the handover ceremony Minister of Defence Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stressed that the new 2A7HU tanks, which are among the most modern globally, ‘represent a whole new world, even compared to the A4s, and are more modern than those used by the German forces.’

How Hungary Has Become a Safe Haven for Israeli-Jewish Refugees

After Hamas brutally attacked Israel on 7 October, the refugee camp on the shore of Lake Balaton in Hungary was converted into a safe haven for Israeli Jews who wanted to escape with their families from the horrors of war. The camp now houses around 250 people, including 100 children, most of whom have fled from Israel since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.

Lt General Nicola Zanelli, Deputy Commander of NATO's Land Command inspects a joint Hungarian-Italian exercise of the Forward Land Force Battlegroup on 16 November 2023 in Hajdúhadház, Hungary.

Hungary’s Crucial Role in Defending NATO’s Eastern Flank

Hungary’s geographical location gives it an important role on NATO’s eastern flank and the Alliance is very grateful to Hungary for hosting one of the eight NATO battle groups, Deputy Commander of NATO’s Land Command (LANDCOM) Nicola Zanelli said in an interview with HDF website

Adaptive Hussars 23: Largest Military Exercise in Hungary in 30 Years

The objective of the exercise is to test the military’s readiness for and response to an imagined situation threatening Hungary’s security. Another goal is to test the capabilities of the civilian public administration when it comes to troop movements and logistics, the Hungarian Defence Minister noted.

Firearms displayed at the Beretta booth at the National Rifle Association's Annual Meetings & Exhibits at the Indiana Convention Center on 15 April 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Italian Beretta to Manufacture Ammunition in Hungary

In the mid-2010s, the Hungarian defence industry was declared a key national economic area with the goal of providing Hungarian-made state-of-the-art defence equipment to the renewed Hungarian armed forces and make Hungary an arms exporter. Since then several major international companies have announced plans to bring their manufacturing and development capacity to the country.

Military National Security Leadership Change as Part of the Renewal of the HDF

During the nominee’s parliamentary committee hearing, Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated that the leadership of the armed forces has been significantly and fundamentally renewed over the past one and a half to two years; practically the entire leadership of the HDF has changed, and all unit commanders are excellent young officers.

Mission Unaccomplished: The Afghanistan War

The Afghanistan War started exactly 22 years ago. Two years after it came to an end, our analysis looks back at the invasion and the botched nation-building, attempting to pinpoint the reasons of the ambitious project’s failure.


Budapest Is Hosting NATO Innovation Week

Two major NATO innovative bodies, the NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) and the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA), are holding their conferences in Budapest, Hungary this week. To mark the occasion, the Hungarian Ministry of Defence announced the hosting of the ‘NATO Innovation Week’.