
19 June – Independence Day of Hungary

19 June is a reminder of the hard-earned freedom and independence of Hungary – between 19 March 1944 and 19 June 1991, for 47 long years, Hungary was occupied for foreign powers.

Image: FILE PHOTO: U.S. troops walk outside their base in Uruzgan province

Hungary’s Afghanistan

In the skewed reality of the US Government and progressive elites, everybody, but the current American administration is to blame for the shameful Afghanistan exit disaster.

Germany, the leading power of the EU?

The Illusion of German Foreign Policy: A Wake-Up Call from the Oval Office

‘While the current US administration has acknowledged that Ukraine is neither militarily nor economically capable of overpowering Russia in a prolonged conflict, Berlin still regards Western involvement in Ukraine as a success. From the outset, however, Western analysis significantly underestimated Russia’s capacity for resilience.’

Time for a New Ukraine Policy in Europe

‘Now, that the new US administration is very clearly pursuing a different policy on Ukraine compared to its predecessor’s, Europe’s attitude should adapt too. The fact that European leaders’ messages after Friday do not signal any change in the EU’s policy demonstrates that Europe is unable or unwilling to realize that…the only way forward is to end the war on the Eastern front as soon as possible.’