Myanmar Two Years After the Coup — Back to Square One?

Retrospectively, one can say the coup had been in the making. But how unexpected it was is plainly demonstrated by an epic video on YouTube, in which a fitness trainer is holding a public dance workout session, totally oblivious to the motorcades of military vehicles roaring in the background, later capturing strategic buildings and institutions.

Overshadowed by War — Japan Is Rearming

In the absence of a peace treaty with Russia, Japan has not yet practically ended WWII—and now it is acutely feeling the ominous signs of another global conflict. The island nation is trying to take control of its destiny under the shadow of today’s superpower militarisation and the war in Ukraine.

There Is No Upside to Hungary From Prolonging this War — An Interview with N.S. Lyons

‘What Europe ultimately needs is a fundamental psychological shift, in which pathological Western civilizational guilt and national self-effacement are set aside. Needless to say, this is a tall order for Western and Northern Europe. Here the nations of Central and Eastern Europe seem to have some advantage, however, having been somewhat isolated from such forces by history. They may be able to increasingly play a beneficial leadership role—if others are willing to listen.’

How Can Central Europe Prevent Another World War?

‘Central Europe is a natural corridor between the two superpowers, forming a buffer zone. In the last thirty years, it seemed that the leading politicians of the countries in this region clearly saw and understood what they could and could not do.’

The Seven Lean Years Are Here

Upon the advent of the new decade, it was expected that the 2020s would be challenging even without a major economic crisis or another high-impact, low-probability event after the COVID–19 pandemic.