Hungarian Conservative

‘We should not be concerned with ourselves only’ — Interview with USA Regional President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council Ildikó Mónika Pataki

‘When discussing on a diaspora level, we should not just share local reports with each other, but actually try to find real solutions to the problems. For example, nowadays, we talk a lot about how to reach people who no longer speak Hungarian. To paraphrase a Sándor Kányádi poem: we have only one homeland, and that is the Hungarian language. If the language is lost, many great things will be lost as well.’

Girls dressed in traditional folk costumes on Pentecost Sunday in Kalotaszeg, Transylvania

What Do We Celebrate at Pentecost?

In many Hungarian settlements, saints’ days with processions and pilgrimages are traditionally held at Pentecost. One of the most important Hungarian Marian Shrines is the one in Csíksomlyó, Transylvania, which has been declared a Hungarikum, together with the Pentecost pilgrimage held there. While many Hungarian Pentecost customs are rooted in the religious feast, there are also several traditions and beliefs that have been transposed from ancient Hungarian beliefs.