Hungarian Conservative

A family of four sitting at the top of a mountain (illustration, Pixabay)

People All Over the World Vote for Family

‘Family is not the cause, but the solution to climate change. A European study conducted in 2021 by the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) found that large families live more environmentally conscious and pay more attention to protecting the environment than others, precisely because thus they protect the future of their children.’

Jerusalem Post: Israeli Hostages Granted Hungarian Citizenship

The Jerusalem Post has learned that the Hungarian and German governments have granted citizenship and issued passports to some of the Israeli hostages abducted on 7 October by Hamas. Some of those hostages have since been released, while others remain captive. The Hungarian MFAT has not yet commented on the report.

The West Should Have Listened to Hungary

The Biden administration has shifted its strategy in Ukraine; a Ukrainian victory is no longer a priority, and instead, Kyiv will be brought to the negotiating table. If, two years ago, the leaders in Washington and Brussels had heeded their common sense—or better yet, listened to the Hungarians—millions of lives could have been spared.

Hungarian President Katalin Novák speaking with the relatives of the Israeli Hungarian hostages at the Sándor Palace on 15 December 2023.

Families of Israeli Hungarian Hostages Visit Hungary

State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltán Kovács also met with the Israeli Hungarian hostages’ relatives and wrote in his Facebook post: ‘No “context” needed—just release the hostages!’. The State Secretary’s post reacted to the outrageous responses of the presidents of America’s most prestigious universities, Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and MIT, to the question posed by Republican congresswoman Elise Stefanik whether calling for the genocide of Jews went against the universities’ code of conduct. All three presidents answered that it depended ‘on the context’.

Time to Stop Appeasing Iran

‘Before a military operation is even conceivable, Washington and the EU Member States must abandon the so-called “good relations” with Iran. There is nothing good in a “relation” where the other side is going to profit from it, and thereby continue to sponsor terrorists. After all is said and done, then, perhaps we can discuss, or even assume, good relaions.’

Hungarian President Prepares Aid Packages for the Homeless

Arriving at the location in the charity service’s green jacket, Novák engaged with the organization’s staff discussing their Advent programmes during the packaging process. After preparing the gifts, the President continued to the homeless shelter in the charity service’s minibus.

Julian Dorio, drummer of the US band Eagles of Death Metal who performed at the Bataclan theatre on the night of the Islamist massacre, pays his respects to the victims on 8 December 2015.

The Ongoing Islamic Dilemma

‘There will never be a full-proof manner in individualizing who within a Muslim community is a terrorist. At the same time, doing absolutely nothing, like the elite in Brussels does, only harbours Muslim jihadists on our front porch while they are preparing for the next attack.’