Hungarian Conservative

Former Hungarian President László Sólyom Passes Away

László Sólyom is remembered for his significant role in Hungary’s transition to democracy and his dedication to upholding the principles of constitutionalism. His work as a legal scholar, his contributions to the National Round Table talks, and his leadership as the first President of the Constitutional Court have left a lasting impact on Hungary’s legal and political landscape.

Nick Vujicic at Budapest Demographic Summit 2023

‘May God Bless the Hungarians for Their Decision to Restore the Natural Order of Life in Their Country’ — An Interview with Nick Vujicic

‘It didn’t take too much time to realize that having the belief that Heaven exists and thinking that merely aiming for it as a life purpose isn’t substantial. It is not a sufficient goal in life, it will not convey the reality of Heaven. I came to the realization that solely making choices for my own salvation isn’t sufficient. To fulfil the concealed purposes of Heaven and make a transformative impact on others’ lives, I require God’s guidance. When you don’t get a miracle, be one.’

Where Does the Swedish NATO Accession Stand Now?

House Speaker László Kövér of Hungary has claimed that while the administration and President Novák support Sweden’s NATO bid, there is division between Fidesz MPs in parliament on the issue. Meanwhile, President Erdoğan of Turkey, the other holdout country, is also walking back on his commitment to the ratification.

California Teachers Fighting Against School’s Woke Policy Get Big Win in Court

Two Christian teachers in Escondido, California sued their school district for forcing them to withhold form the parents if their child was identifying as of another gender at school. The US District Court for the Southern District of California ruled in their favour in the first phases of the civil case, granting preliminary injunction prohibiting the enforcement of the school directive, and rejecting the defendants’ motion to dismiss the case.

Jordan B. Peterson in 2018.

Canadian Court Rules Against Dr Jordan B. Peterson, He Will Be Punished for Exercising Freedom of Speech

On 23 August, the Ontario Divisional Court dismissed Dr Peterson’s legal complaint against the College of Psychologists of Ontario; therefore, he is forced to comply with the demands of the Ontario College of Psychologists (OCP), which includes going through a so-called ‘specified continuing education or remedial program.’ In a Fox News interview, the famous clinical psychologist recently said that he will comply with the order but will publicize his entire experience so the public could ‘decide for themselves’ about it.

Sándor Fegyir with fellow soldier and mathematics professor at the Uzhorod University Viktor Traski on 27 August 2023.

Sándor Fegyir — A War Hero Soon to Become Ukraine’s New Ambassador to Hungary

The new ambassador to Hungary, Sándor Fegyir (in Ukrainian: Федір Федорович Шандор) was born in Ungvár (Uzhorod) into a Hungarian Ukrainian family in 1975. A sociologist and university professor, he volunteered to fight for his country when Ukraine was invaded by Russia, and he has been on the front ever since as the leader of the so-called ‘Tanscarpathian Dragons’ unit.

This Is How Hungary Celebrated Its 1023rd Birthday

Our nation marked the 1023rd anniversary of the foundation of its state. Celebratory events were held all across the country, from Esztergom to Debrecen, with the greatest festivities taking place in the capital city of Budapest. There, the holiday crowd was treated to an Air Show by the pilots of the Hungarian Air Force and Europe’s largest fireworks and lights show, among other things.