Hungarian Conservative

‘The Vast Majority Are Not Insane Leftists!’ — Jordan B. Peterson to Mandiner

It’s good to have demons. You need a Trump in Europe and it might as well be Orbán — says Jordan B. Peterson on why Hungary is portrayed so badly in the Western media. The world-renowned Canadian clinical psychologist who has recently visited Hungary talks about the lack of freedom of speech, the woke madness and the role of faith in our lives.

Jordan B. Peterson in Budapest — An Intuitive Journey of Discovering the Human Story

As a closing thought of his lecture, Dr Peterson explained that a central unifying spirit connects the biblical stories he had cited, and if we get into a proper relationship and alliance with this spirit, it will carry us through even the most horrible situations. He highlighted that the complete realisation and fulfilment of this can be seen in the New Testament.

Hungarian Parliament to Hold a Three-Day Session this Week

The Hungarian parliament will be in sessions for two weeks as of today. Important legislation will be discussed and debated, including regulations related to the asset declaration of politicians, to the judiciary and the conditions of declaring a state of emergency in the country.

March of the Living 2023 — The March From Death to Life

One hundred fifty-five people from Hungary travelled to Poland to attend the International March of the Living on 18 April, where nearly 10,000 participants from 54 countries marched the 3 km route between the Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau lagers. The march was held on Yom HaShoah, which is Israel’s National Day of Mourning for the victims of the Holocaust.


Hungarian–Polish Relations: An Enduring Friendship

Demonstrating that the bond between the two states is more than just political declarations or self-interested cooperation, Hungary is marking the Day of Hungarian–Polish friendship with a series of cultural events across the country.