Hungarian Conservative

Facts Can Be an Antidote to Accusations of Anti-Semitism

Accusations of anti-Semitism against the Hungarian prime minister are easily disproved if we look at the facts. Ever since 2010, the Orbán government has implemented pro-Jewish policies and has supported Israel at all international fora.

The Ecumenical Week of Prayer in Hungary

At the worship that opened the prayer week, Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, and Tamás Fabiny, President-Bishop of the Evangelical Church of Hungary, delivered sermons at the Kálvin Square Reformed Church in Budapest last Sunday.

The Family That Is Ours

In these times of crises, we would do well to keep in mind the ‘Seven Rules’ of Hungary’s national policy and recall: ‘Only that which we can defend is truly ours’. Family is ours and will only remain ours if we can defend it.

An Alliance for Liberty – Part I

Today it is again the ideal of freedom that connects Hungary, Poland and Italy. In all three countries people voted for governments that promised to follow the interest of their own nations, rather than what New York, Moscow, Berlin, Istanbul or Paris dictates or expects.

Tax Exemption Under 25 Years of Age Could Be Expanded

Since 2022, those under the age of 25 have been exempt from paying personal income tax. According to a new government plan, the exemption may be expanded to women aged 25 to 29 if they commit to having their first child before they turn 30.