Hungarian Conservative

The homecoming ceremony for the 15th rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces Iraqi Training and Assurance Contingent (MH IKBK) in Székesfehérvár on 13 April 2023.

Hungarian Defence Forces to Extend Contribution to NATO’s Iraqi Mission

Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated the Hungarian government’s position remains clear: migration must be curbed and the problem must be dealt with locally. Migration and terrorism go hand in hand, which is why Hungary will continue to contribute to NATO’s collective defence tasks and joint action against terrorism as a valued member of the alliance.

Debate on Migration in UN Security Council

During a debate in the UN Security Council, Foreign Minister Szijjártó of Hungary argued that the international community should focus on trying to improve the conditions in the migrants’ countries of origin instead of hosting them in more developed foreign countries. He also suggested that migration should be examined from a security, not a humanitarian perspective.

Judit Varga Slams Ideology-Driven EU Migration Policy

Varga, who the Sunday Telegraph notes is set to run in the European Parliament election next year as ruling Fidesz’s lead candidate, said the difference between asylum and migration must be carefully considered. ‘Asylum is a human right, but migration is not,’ she said.

Martin Luther hammers his 95 theses to the door by Ferdinand Pauwels (1872).

Reformation Day — The Message of ‘Semper Reformanda’

Protestantism has been inextricably intertwined with Hungarian national consciousness and thirst for freedom. The Hungarian Protestant Bible translators made the Scripture accessible to Hungarians in their mother tongue, and also contributed to the development and preservation of the language. Practising Protestantism was also in defiance of the Catholic Habsburgs and Austria: Protestants were willing to suffer martyrdom rather than renounce their faith, as the fate of the Hungarian Protestant galley slaves demonstrates.

Ferenc Krausz: The Path to Success Began Fifty Years Ago

Ferenc Krausz, one of the recipients of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics, credits his enduring passion for physics to his early education in Hungary. His journey from those early physics classes to receiving the Nobel Prize has been marked by groundbreaking achievements in laser physics and ultrarapid measurement techniques, including the recent exploration of medical diagnostic applications for detecting diseases at the molecular level.