Hungarian Conservative

Budapest Wins European Commission’s European Mobility Week Award

Budapest’s recognized initiatives as part of the programme included the car-free weekend organized with the involvement of the Budapest Transport Centre (BKK), as well as the European Car-Free Day held on weekdays, during which Mayor Gergely Karácsony presented plans for the human-friendly and green renewal of the lower embankment of Pest. The programme also included events aimed at showcasing best practices in pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly developments, jointly organized with the city of Vienna, targeting both the general public and professionals.

Integration of Museums: New National Supervisory Authority Created

In a recent interview, Minister of Culture János Csák quoted iconic interwar education minister Kuno Klebelsberg, who identified the task of governments as supporting high culture, creating Hungarian great achievements, showcasing them internationally, bringing international great achievements here, but most importantly, taking culture to the broadest sections of the nation. This task can be achieved not through separate entities but through one robust institution, the minister argued.

Hungarian House of Music Receives International Recognition from Guardian Readers

In the statement, it was revealed that in a public vote by the renowned international newspaper, which boasts nearly 200 million readers worldwide, the Hungarian institution realized within the Liget Budapest Project joined the ranks of eminent landmarks such as the Roman amphitheatre in Spain, Hadrian’s Wall in England, or Kronborg Castle in Denmark.