Hungarian Conservative

MCC Opens Applications for University Programme

The MCC University Programme is unique in Europe, offering small-group, personalized training covering multiple disciplines, complementing traditional higher education in Hungary. Many young people participating in the programme enrol in MCC training already in primary school, becoming part of a cohesive community.

The building of the newly inaugurated MCC centre in Székesfehérvár, Fejér County.

New MCC Centre Inaugurated in Székesfehérvár, the ‘Cradle of the Country’

András Cser-Palkovics, the Mayor of Székesfehérvár highlighted the importance of having one of Europe’s largest talent development networks and communities present in Székesfehérvár. This presence will contribute to the city providing young people with state-of-the-art knowledge, keeping them in Hungary, or bringing them back from elsewhere, he underscored.

MCC‘s Youth ‘23 Report: Loneliness and Purposelessness Affect Young Hungarians

According to the study, 15 per cent of young Hungarians frequently experience feelings of isolation, which is of concern as chronic loneliness not only has psychological ramifications but, in certain cases, also entails physical consequences. The report highlights that 41 per cent of young people in the Western Transdanubia region and 38 per cent of their counterparts in the southern Transdanubia region claim to feel lonely always or often.

Tusványos, MCC Feszt, and Tranzit Festival: Conservative Political Festivals in Hungary

While political festivals are not unique per se, there is something unique about how the Hungarian right organizes its gatherings. Their continuing success is not due to populist chauvinism, or to making them mere echo chambers. In fact, plenty of world views, including opposition voices highly critical of the Orbán administration, clashed on stage in front of captivated audiences many times this summer.

International Network for Immigration Research Established by MCC

The International Network for Immigration Research has been just inaugurated by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium. The network will allow research centres across multiple countries to coordinate research and share findings with each other on the contentious issue of immigration. Four experts on the subject held an insightful discussion at the MCC Campus in Budapest, Hungary to mark the occasion.

A panel at MCC Budapest’s conference on human rights on 27 September 2023 in Budapest.

‘We Can Be Free Thanks to Our Culture and Our Heritage, Not Despite Them or By Destroying Them’ — International Human Rights Conference Held at MCC

Fundamental rights and their supplementary responsibilities are essential parts of our culture and heritage, the speakers at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium’s (MCC) conference on human rights agreed. The event examined the process of the distortion of the idea of human rights as well as the vital role of sovereignty and subsidiarity in enforcing them.

Calumny by Federico Zuccaro (between circa 1569 and circa 1572).

Beyond Labels and Allegations in the MCC Fellowship — A Response to Bence Széchenyi

His explosive claim that MCC ‘funds academics who disseminate Orbán’s positions’ is as unoriginal as it is untrue. In my over two years of experience with MCC—ten months of which I worked directly with  the School of Social Sciences and History—I found my professional and academic colleagues to be free thinkers who, while moderate to conservative, often engaged in spirited debate on issues ranging from climate change to education policy.