Hungarian Conservative

Anti-Semitic Incidents on the Rise in Western Europe and the US, on the Decrease in Hungary, MCC Study Finds

Referring to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ (FRA) 2018 survey, Máthé raised attention to the fact that hostility, threats and psychical attacks against Jewish people are most commonly reported in France, which has the largest Jewish community in Europe. However, despite having a significantly smaller Jewish population, Sweden is also considered an unsafe place for Jewish people. As opposed to that, Hungary, with a Jewish community almost three times larger than that of Sweden, records far fewer incidents—the number is between five to eight times lower compared to the Scandinavian country.

MCC Acquires Leading Austrian University

MCC and Hungarian students from the Carpathian Basin will now gain access to further unique educational and learning opportunities. In addition, the talent nurturing institution will also participate in serious international research projects together with Modul University.

Heated Debate About Battery Factories Comes to MCC

The expert speakers at the event expressed confidence that the much-talked-about plant will not be a major pollution source in the area, as there are legally mandated limits to harmful material emissions for every industrial facility. These regulations are stricter in Hungary than what’s required by the EU, as one of the panellists pointed out.

MCC Brussels Is Open for Business

At the opening event of MCC Brussels, Balázs Orbán said: ’As neighbours, we need to talk and listen. This is the only antidote to the spectre of political polarization that haunts politics today.’