Belgian Police block the entrance of the Claridge events centre in Brussels, the venue of the National Conservatism Conference on 16 April 2024.

NatCon Brussels Opens New Front in EP-Election Campaign: The Fight for Freedom of Speech

The attempt to shut down the National Conservatism Conference has ignited a new battleground in the EP election campaign: the fight for freedom of speech. While progressives were quick to lay blame on Brussels district mayor Emir Kir, this incident is hardly about him only: it is a culmination of a longstanding process of anti-freedom of speech tendencies in the European Commission and the European Parliament.

Jordan Bardella’s Book Launch Disrupted by Antifa Mob in Brussels

Protesting antifa crowds attempted to block the entrance to the Hungarian House in Brussels to stop the event launching Jordan Bardella’s new book. According to Balázs Orbán’s post on X, the mob threw bottles and fireworks at the police, marking another attempt to silence right-wing voices in the capital of Europe.

MCC Book Launch Cancelled, Raising Further Free Speech Concerns in Brussels

The launch of MCC Brussels Director Frank Füredi’s latest book was cancelled at a Brussels bookshop on the day of the event, presumably due to left-wing political pressure. The situation closely mirrors the controversy surrounding the National Conservatism Conference in April, when a Brussels district mayor attempted to use police force to suppress right-wing voices.

Mayor of Saint-Josse and deputy of Belgian federal parliament Turkish origin Emir Kir arrives to cast his ballot at the Henri Frick school during the European Parliamentary elections in Brussels, Belgium on May 26, 2019.

MCC Takes Legal Action to Defend Free Speech Against Mayor Who Banned Brussels Conference

The district mayor of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode in Brussels, Emir Kir, issued an administrative order to prohibit the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) scheduled for 16⁠–⁠17 April, citing ‘ensuring public safety’ as the reason. MCC, a co-organizer of the event, has now launched legal proceedings against Kir, claiming that the order violated the right of free speech.

Brussels Censorship Strikes Again: Right-Wing ID, ECR Excluded From EP-Election Debate

The European Broadcasting Union has not invited the right-wing Identity and Democracy and the European Conservatives and Reformists to the EP election debate scheduled for 23 May. The decision, explained on ridiculous grounds, is yet another sign that what is at stake at the upcoming European elections is to defend freedom of speech against the left-wing progressive dictatorship of opinion.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes

NatCon, the Debacle of Democracy and the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

‘Elite structures tend to consolidate a prevailing view whether that be the dictatorship of the proletariat or the dictatorship of the ‘trahison des clercs’ of Brussels. There seems to be no leadership in Europe; a reflection of the growing bureau government of Brussels. Europe, the crucible of nation states since the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), is in crisis. It is the days of Weimar all over again. A resurgent right, a distrust of the organs of democracy. When representative democracy is exposed as leaderless and corruption, there is an inevitable pushback.’

MEPs Take the NatCon Case to EP President Roberta Metsola

In the absence of any condemnatory reaction from the European Parliament regarding the surreal events that occurred at last week’s National Conservatism Conference, seven MEPs have drafted an open letter to EP President Roberta Metsola, calling on her to denounce this significant infringement of freedom of expression.

How Brussels Became a Cancel Culture-Infused Tolerance-Free Zone in Just a Few Days

Commenting on the outrageous attempts to shut down the National Conservatism Conference in Brussels earlier this week, MCC Brussels Director Frank Füredi stated in an op-ed on POLITICO: ‘The campaign to cancel the NatCon wasn’t simply directed against this organization but against the foundational values of democracy. Those behind the campaign believe public life must be subjected to the policing of speech. That’s bad news for all of us, regardless of ideological affiliation.’