‘Florida’s Orbán’ DeSantis Drops Out, Endorses Trump

Governor Ron DeSantis has often been accused by the left-wing mainstream media in the US of closely emulating Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán. However, Orbán has always shown his preference for Former President Trump. With DeSantis dropping out, are Viktor Orbán’s ideas out of the race or not?

Vietnamese Prime Minister‘s Visit to Hungary ‘Crucial’, Orbán Says

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, it is ‘easy to predict’ that Vietnam will emerge as one of the winners of the coming era. ‘Such transformations herald opportunities as well as risks. We see the new world economic era as an enormous opportunity for Hungary, since Hungarians are an Eastern people by origin,’ Viktor Orbán nailed down.

US State Dept. Condemns Hungarian Sovereignty Law, PM Orbán Responds

The press release by the US DOS claimed that the newly established Sovereignty Protection Office of Hungary is a tool ‘that can be used to intimidate and punish those with views not shared by the ruling party’ and therefore it is ‘inconsistent with our shared values of democracy’. In response, PM Orbán stated that the US government should stop lecturing Hungary.