Hungarian Conservative

Israeli Ambassador to Hungary Jacov Hadas-Handelsman speaks at the International Pro-Israel Summit in Budapest on 9 October 2023.

Hungary, the Last Bastion of Christian Zionism in Europe

‘An important element of Viktor Orbán’s governance is that he knows Hungarian history and has learned from its mistakes. He does not want to repeat the sins committed by the historic Hungarian state during the 20th century. Hungary’s vision has thus not been blinded by the anti-Zionism of woke ideology, and it is able to recognize that Israel is the bastion of democracy and human rights in the Middle East, while successfully holding on to its religious and national traditions.’

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Brussels, Belgium, 26 October 2023

Majority of Hungarians Do Not Support Ursula von der Leyen’s Second Mandate

The majority of Hungarians agree with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian government in not supporting Ursula von der Leyen’s second term as President of the European Commission. The vote in the European Parliament will take place on Thursday, 18 July, but it is far from certain that the current president will secure the 361 votes needed for re-election.

Viktor Orbán (R) with Thérèse Blanchet, the Secretary-General of the CoEU, Didier Seeuws, Director‑General for General and Institutional Policy (GIP) of the CoEU (L) and János Bóka, Minister for EU Affairs at the Carmelite Monastery on 2 July 2024

What Can We Expect from the Hungarian Government and the Prime Minister during Hungary’s Rotating Presidency?

While the media and European politicians representing globalist interests frequently voice doubts about the Hungarian Government’s ability to properly and democratically hold the rotating presidency, it should be noted that, in addition to the expertise and preparedness of the Hungarian Government, the person of Viktor Orbán, who has been head of government for fourteen years, is also a guarantee of economic and political stability and therefore of the success of the Hungarian Presidency.

UPDATED: Le Pen’s RN, Salvini’s Lega Join Patriots for Europe, Making New Alliance Third Largest in the European Parliament

On the afternoon of 8 July, Patriots for Europe, the sovereigntist alliance recently founded by Viktor Orbán, Herbert Kickl, and Andrej Babiš, is to officially become a political group in the European Parliament. Over the weekend, several right-wing parties across Europe announced their accession. With the arrival of Marine Le Pen’s RN and, most likely, with Salvini’s League, Patriots for Europe are set to overtake Giorgia Meloni’s European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) as third largest group in the EP.

Hungary Is Allegedly Considering Leaving the International Criminal Court

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has allegedly instructed his three ministers to examine the consequences of leaving the International Criminal Court (ICC), with a particular focus on the implications for the European Union. This decision is likely prompted by the ICC Chief Prosecutor’s request in May for the issuance of an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Exiting European Council President Charles Michel (R) welcomes Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban prior to their meeting in Brussels, Belgium on 1 July 2024.

Brussels Fears Hungarian EU Presidency’s Success, Analysis Suggests

‘The Hungarian presidency has just begun, but every opportunity is being seized to obstruct it, as it offers the Hungarian government the chance to present its vision of an alternative Europe to the entire continent,’ the Center for Fundamental Rights stress in their analysis. They also note that the Hungarian PM’s visit to Kyiv took the international press by surprise, as the liberal media has consistently and falsely portrayed Hungary’s stance as pro-Russian from the start, a claim that Viktor Orbán has now clearly disproved.

The ‘Coalition of Lies and Deceit’ Has Prevailed After All — Ursula von der Leyen Nominated for a Second Term as Head of the European Commission

After late-night talks, EU leaders have decided on the top jobs of the EU, with Ursula von der Leyen preparing for a second term as President of the European Commission, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa as President of the European Council. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán criticized the pact between the EPP, S&D, and Renew, which disregards the will of the voters, calling it a ‘coalition of lies and deceit’.

Mark Rutte Elected NATO Secretary General

After ten years, NATO will have a new Secretary General: outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. As head of government, Rutte has often criticised Hungary, but he has promised to honour the agreement between Viktor Orbán and Jens Stoltenberg that Hungary will stay out of NATO’s mission in Ukraine.

A participant displays a placard reading 'Court of (George) Soros' as members and supporters of the ruling FIDESZ party demonstrate in front of the European Commission's local headquarters in Budapest on 14 June 2024

How to Fight ‘Cultural Socialism’? The Right Must Learn to Use the State

‘This is why the model pioneered by Viktor Orbán and Fidesz matters so much to Western conservatives. Orbán understood a long time ago that powerful private actors—especially George Soros and his Open Society Foundations—exercise disproportionate power over Hungarian affairs, or at least seek to do so. Similarly, public institutions that have been captured by illiberal progressives operate as if they have a natural right to evade scrutiny and accountability. And if leaders of the political Right are too shackled by their right-liberal convictions to take the fight to them, why shouldn’t the cultural socialists do whatever they think is necessary to win?’