Hungarian Conservative

Balázs Orbán delivers his opening address at the Danube-Heritage 4th Geopolitical Summit in Budapest on 17 September 2024.

The Age of Sovereignty vs Crusading American Utopianism — Will Ideological Wars End?

‘Today, the Hungarian capital is part of the ongoing political discussion at the highest levels of American political life—for better or for worse. Hungary is either a symbol of all that is bad in the Western world—that’s how progressives, liberals, and neoconservatives see it; or it’s a plucky resister to globalism, social liberalism, and mass migration, a laboratory for a new kind of right-of-center policymaking.’

Gergely Karácsony speaks at the demonstration demanding ‘clean elections’ outside the headquarters of the National Election Commission on 14 June 2024 in Budapest.

Democracy or Backroom Deals? The Tortuous Road to Budapest’s New Municipal Assembly

‘Voters have been grossly ignored. The people of Budapest voted for change: in fact, most Budapesters rejected the Karácsony-led alliance. But now it seems that the backroom deals, and the distribution of positions, power, and money to incompetent cronies will continue to define Budapest’s leftist politics. The party with the most votes, Fidesz, has been entirely left out of the assembly-forming negotiations.’

Leader of the French party Rassemblement National Marine Le Pen and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán attend a joint press conference in the Prime Minister’s office, Budapest, Hungary, 26 October 2021.

A European Alternative: The Origin and Future of Patriots for Europe

‘Although the political forces thinking in terms of a European alternative failed to replace the Brussels Grand Coalition in the 2024 EP elections, there is a real chance that they could organize themselves into a new right-wing pole in the next five years, which could bring about a real systemic change in Brussels politics.’

The Mission of the Hungarian EU Presidency: Finding Real Answers to Real Problems

‘The Hungarian presidency is focusing on finding real answers to real problems,’ Hungarian State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltán Kovács stressed during a panel discussion on Thursday evening in Budapest. The event centred on the Hungarian EU presidency, with fellow panellist Enikő Győri, MEP for Patriots for Europe, adding that despite constant political attacks, the professional work of the Hungarian presidency has been widely praised in the corridors of Brussels.