Hungarian Conservative

Italian deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini (3rdR) stands on stage with German co-leader of Alternative for Germany (AfD) Tino Chrupalla (2ndR), member of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) Harald Vilimsky (4thR), Head of Czech Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) Tomio Okamura (5thR) and the head of Bulgarian party Revival, Kostadin Kostadinov at the end of a convention of the EP leaders of the ID on 3 December 2023 at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence.

Populism, Conservatism and Europe’s Electoral Politics: The Post-Covid Dilemmas of the European Right

‘2023 in fact demonstrated, if demonstration were needed, that a deep social, political, and ideological cleavage now divides electorates across Europe, separating progressive, educated, urban, middle class and younger voters from the alienated rural, working class and older conservative voters living outside the fashionable urban centres. This cleavage was dramatically evident in election results in Spain, Slovakia, Poland, and Holland in the course of 2023.’

Troup Hemenway

Troup Hemenway: ‘Trump would give back to the Americans what the Democrats took away’

‘The public mood has been turbulent since 2021. From a campaign perspective, it’s astonishing the current administration is actually trying to prosecute the main political rival of the sitting president. They’re doing that while also implementing policies that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of people flooding over the border illegally each month and doubling or tripling the cost of food and fuel. People see and feel all of this, and they’re frustrated. As a result, they’re going to vote for change and I expect Conservatives will see success in 2024,’ Troup Hemenway, Heritage Foundation senior consultant and one of the leaders of Project 2025 Troup Hemenway opines.

The Rape of Europe by Gillis Coignet (between 1592 and 1599)

Europe Learned Nothing from Trianon

‘Europe’s most powerful nation is now led, without exaggeration, by political extremists. The heads of the other large nations, France and Britain, are all cynical, complacent, and indifferent to the problems of their citizens to a degree not seen here since the French Revolution.

It is an interesting situation for us. So far, we have been the ones always divided up: by the Ottomans, Habsburgs, Germans, and French. Now they are the ones being sliced up and bid on by the hungry peoples of the Third World and the coldly calculating networks of people smugglers.’

Cross at Cape Finisterre, Galicia, Spain

The Loss of European Identity

‘The values forged in Europe have deep Christian roots. And yet, how many cases could we enumerate where crucifixes have been removed to ‘avoid offending’ others? How many campaigns have we seen against Christmas? How many instances of public ridiculing of the images of Christ or the Virgin Mary? Complicit in this surrender of faith is the silent and anaesthetized majority that does not react, that does not defend its own. It seems as if they are ashamed to be Christians.’

EU Member States Hide Behind Hungary on Russian Nuclear Sanctions

According to a recent POLITICO article, EU member states should impose sanctions on Russian nuclear energy, but Hungary’s opposition makes this impossible. Meanwhile, several states in the EU are cooperating with Russian nuclear energy companies, hiding behind Hungary’s veto, and acting behind the scenes to protect their interests.