Hungarian Conservative

Participants at the 16 February demonstration in Heroes’ Square, Budapest.

‘Pardongate’ Shows Hungary Is a Healthy Society After All

At the 16 February demonstration organized by influencers and other celebrities, which rallied tens of thousands of people, the speakers essentially echoed the expectation of the majority of Hungarians that the government come up with adequate responses to the clemency scandal.

Fidesz–KDNP Nominates Tamás Sulyok as President of Hungary

At the Fidesz–KDNP parliamentary group meeting today it was decided that Tamás Sulyok, President of the Hungarian Constitutional Court would be nominated for the position of head of state, left vacant following the resignation of Katalin Novák. Tamás Deutsch will lead the governing parties’ list for the European Parliament elections.

The Ten Commandments in Front of the City Hall in Chiefland, Florida

Some Reflections on the Term ‘Judeo-Christian’

‘The notion of ‘Judeo-Christian’, putting aside its religious connotation, as the foundation of Western civility is rather arbitrary, if not ambiguous. Various Christian fundamentalists and self-proclaimed traditional Catholics have employed the ‘Judeo-Christian’ discourse to justify their backing of Israel, despite the term being neither eschatological nor doctrinal. ’

Children waving LGBT flags at the Gay Pride March in Toulouse, France in 2011.

Fidesz, Child Protection and the Left

‘This scandal is a self-inflicted catastrophe for Fidesz. The prime minister plainly understands this, and is taking concrete steps to reform. Yet the idea that the political and cultural Left in Hungary is trying to capitalize on this crisis to sell itself to the Hungarian people as the real protectors of children is a farce—and a dangerous one.’

Thierry Baudet speaking at the Petőfi Kultúrkör club in Székesfehérvár on 28 January 2024.

Politics Beyond Borders with Wael Taji: Thierry Baudet, the Firebrand from the Netherlands

‘We have to rid ourselves of the fundamental cultural Marxist idea that we must destroy European identity at its very fundamentals. That we must destroy the classical nuclear family. We must destroy nations. We must destroy classical aesthetics. We must destroy the Christian faith. That’s wrong,’ says Dutch politician and author Thierry Baudet in an interview with Wael Taji.