Hungarian Conservative

Why the Azeri Green Energy Deal Is Important

The solution to the energy supply crisis that Europe is facing should not be the imposition of a gas or oil price cap, since that only further reduces the availability of fossil fuels. Instead, what is needed is the exploration of new energy sources and their transmission to Europe.

Kissinger Calls for Peace Talks Again — Will Kyiv Listen?

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger advocated for a more realist approach to ending the war —and unnecessary human suffering—in Ukraine, by entering peace talks with Russia. Kyiv promptly dismissed his advice, and why not? Kissinger is only the single most experienced geostrategist and foreign policy expert alive today, what can he know about Ukraine?

First Hanukkah Candle Lit in Budapest

EMIH chief rabbi Slomó Köves said the Hungarian Jewish community is well aware that the past 25–30 years have been a real miracle: Jewish people have become able to proudly practice their faith in Hungary.