Hungarian Conservative

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-25 - 15.03.33

Visegrád and Its Mission

To sum up, there are the so-called ideological ‘leftists’ who are in power in much of Europe, including Berlin and Paris, and there are the pragmatic ‘rightists who are in power in the Visegrád Group countries, especially in Budapest and Warsaw, but, for the time being, they are in opposition to most of Europe.

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-18 - 21.53.26

A Return of the 1930s?

How was it possible for the situation of Jews in the Western world to deteriorate to such an extent that one Jewish media outlet senses a return to the anti-Semitism of the 1930s? And what has been the reaction of the international left?

Képernyőfotó 2022-03-31 - 8.04.01

Protecting the Values of Creation Is a Shared Task

Conservative forces in Europe and outside the continent need to work together because the values we hold dear are under global attack. These are the values that underpin
the greatness and prosperity of our civilization.


REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW Economist Sven R. Larson: ‘Hungary deserves respect, not critique’ from EU ‘Since Viktor Orbán became prime minister, his country has had one