Hungarian Conservative

How the Trump Assassination Attempt United America — At Least for a While

‘The vast majority of Americans and various politicians, whether Democrat or Republican, have come out in support of Trump. Most of the statements have aimed to show unity rather than the usual mudslinging we typically see. Hopefully, we are able to learn and move on from this,’ Republican congressional aide Johnny Szani pointed out speaking to Hungarian Conservative. According to Szani, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump has united America in a way that has not been seen in a long time. However, he believes this unity will not last long with the elections approaching.

The Hollowing of Democratic Legitimacy

The cordon sanitaire as used by the EP today is not a reasonable political tactic to block parties that are radical beyond reasonable doubt, but a way for the political elite to block the will of the people, hollowing out the very purpose of democratic elections: to determine the political elite of the polis.

How Likely is Donald Trump’s Victory in November?

As more and more people from his own party call on President Biden to step aside, President Trump’s victory in the 2024 US presidential election seems more certain by the day. However, how much can one trust polling data after what happened in 2016 and 2022?

Left-Wing Alliance Comes in First in French Elections, but Le Pen’s RN Is the Real Winner

The New Popular Front, an electoral alliance including the far left, has won the second round of the French National Assembly elections. Despite finishing third, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is the real winner of the elections, with the right-wing party becoming France’s largest party, strengthening its position in parliament, and looking ahead to the 2027 presidential elections with good chances.

The national flags of (L-R) Kosovo, Montenegro’s North Macedonia, Serbia, and the European Union are set up on a stage for a group photo during the Western Balkans Summit at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, Germany, on 21 October 2022

EU Enlargement: Is Ukraine Overtaking the Western Balkans on a Bend?

The integration of the countries of the region into the EU is a decades-long process, the positive outcome of which is still to be seen. Thus, the number of Eurosceptics in the region has multiplied in recent years. As a consequence of the protracted accession negotiations, which have not even started for several Western Balkan states, some countries in the region have forged closer economic, political, and cultural ties with non-EU actors.

Joe Biden Reignites Calls to Step Down After Calamitous Debate Performance

According to CNN’s own poll, more than two-thirds, 67 per cent of the viewers thought that President Trump had won the debate. President Biden’s odds for re-election plummeted after the event, with bookmakers giving him only about a 22.5 per cent chance for re-election on average. Meanwhile, some in the left-leaning media call on Biden not to stand for re-election.