Hungarian Conservative

Tony Abbott at CPAC: ‘The only country in the world that’s successfully stopped a wave of illegal immigration by boat is Australia’

‘If working people are voting more right: as in Australia in my 2013 election, America in Trump’s 2016 election, Britain in Boris Johnson’s 2019 Brexit election, and here in Hungary for the past decade, that’s because the main party of the right has become more economically pragmatic, more focussed on the social fabric, more targeted towards people’s living standards, and more concerned to uphold its own country’s interests over “global” ones.’

Insanely Woke Head of Child Safety Fired From Google

The former Head of Child safety lost her job at the tech giant for taking part in a sit-in protest against Google doing business with the Israeli government. However, a subsequent search into her social media history uncovered that she has also had very strange opinions on sexual assault.

Pennsylvania Primary Yields Unexpectedly Mixed Results for President Trump

For the first time in the 2024 primary season, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in turnout in a swing state. President Trump also got a substantially lower vote total than President Biden. However, Pennsylvania was the only state in which President Trump was polling behind President Biden to begin with, and he can still win in November by taking states where he has been performing better, both in the polls and in the primaries.

How Brussels Became a Cancel Culture-Infused Tolerance-Free Zone in Just a Few Days

Commenting on the outrageous attempts to shut down the National Conservatism Conference in Brussels earlier this week, MCC Brussels Director Frank Füredi stated in an op-ed on POLITICO: ‘The campaign to cancel the NatCon wasn’t simply directed against this organization but against the foundational values of democracy. Those behind the campaign believe public life must be subjected to the policing of speech. That’s bad news for all of us, regardless of ideological affiliation.’

A Trial, Economic Woes, and War: How the 2024 US Election Stands As of Now

Former President Trump’s criminal trial has begun in Manhattan, which some polling data suggests could cost him his victory in the presidential election in November. However, President Biden is not in a great position either as the economy and the state of foreign affairs have recently worsened, and he was already struggling with a low approval rating on these issues. How will all this end?

Disney Stock Tanks as Company Reelects Woke Board

Conservative investor Nelson Peltz was trying to get new members elected to the board of directors at the 3 April shareholders meeting and thus steer the company away from their woke agenda, to no avail. The same woke board members retained their positions, to which the market, expecting a change, did not react well.

No-Go Zones, Immigration and Integration Discussed at MCC Budapest

At the launch event of the new book published by MCC Press and the Migration Research Institute titled Kié itt a tér? (Who does this space belong to?) a panel discussion was held on the dire consequences of uncontrolled immigration, the failures of integration, and possible solutions.