Hungarian Conservative

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and US President Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall on 6 December 1987.

Europe Has No Time to Lose More Time

Europe is a civilization; its heritage is a reality that lives on among us. But the cooperation of its countries is just a legal construct: its future depends on whether it is willing and capable of expressing the voice of that civilization.

Testimonies to the Horrors of Totalitarianism

‘What better explains the atrocities committed: coercion or the individual’s capacity or inclination for cruelty? Perhaps both, but to varying proportions.’ Author and historian László Borhi points out in his 2022 book The Strategies of Survival that, in his research, it was not always possible to draw a clear line between the different roles. ‘Several were convicted of collaborating with the Nazis and collaborating in atrocities, while other witnesses claimed that the person in question saved their lives’.

Archduke Maximilian of Austria receives the Mexican delegation offering him the throne in the Miramar Castle.

A Habsburg Archduke on Mexico’s Throne – Part II

In 1864, Maximilian of Austria arrived in Mexico, assuming the throne of the country. He was declared emperor of Mexico as Maximilian I. Although this was only one, and quite brief, episode in his eventful life, it was the most memorable one, and the one that turned out to be fatal.

Ákos L. Nagy, President of the American Hungarian Federation

‘Correcting misleading assertions about Hungarians and defending Hungarian minority rights are our priority’ — An Interview with Ákos L. Nagy, President of the American Hungarian Federation

The American Hungarian Federation has been working tirelessly to preserve Hungarian culture and education in the United States, and has been a powerful advocate for the collective rights of Hungarians living in minority status in the Carpathian Basin. AHF also considers it its mission to dispel misleading narratives about Hungary and Trianon, AHF President Ákos Nagy told Hungarian Conservative.