Ukraine Narrowly Escapes Nuclear Catastrophe

Europe’s largest nuclear plant was temporarily cut off from the power grid on Thursday. Although the catastrophe was avoided this time, experts say a nuclear accident at the Zaporizhzhia plant could be as devastating as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Methane: The Worst Pollutant

Methane is 80 times worse for the atmosphere than CO2, yet emissions remain largely unchecked. If there is no immediate response, all climate action will be futile.

A Backlash Against the Pro-Life Campaign in Kansas

On Tuesday Kansas voted on an amendment that was supposed to remove abortion rights protections from its state constitution. The majority of Kansans rejected the amendment in a referendum that saw a record high turnout.

Beware of the Wounded Dragon

Despite all the threats made by Beijing, Pelosi landed in Taipei unscathed. However, the fact that the Red Dragon has not struck (yet), does not mean it takes humiliation lightly.

The Prospects of an Ambassadorship

It was high time the practice of ‘taking Hungarians for an idiot’ stopped, and the country that has a one-thousand-year-old Christian statehood is given the respect it deserves.

Blackmailing and Coercion as Ineffective Tools of Diplomacy

It looks like the Biden government may end up not being able to push its anti-growth tax cartel idea through anyway, beside finding that it is very difficult to coerce the Hungarian Prime Minister into doing anything that he does not feel coincides with the interests of the Hungarian people.

The Mission to Explore

The remarkably ambitious project of the James Webb Telescope has demonstrated that the mission of exploration is something that can unite mankind.


Thomas Jefferson: The Unsung Hero of Individual Rights

Today marks the 246th anniversary of American colonists declaring their independence from the British Crown, the day when, as an independent and sovereign nation, the United States of America proclaimed liberty, justice, and freedom for all.