Képernyőfotó 2022-06-11 - 23.09.20

Fuel Prices – How Long Can the West Survive?

Fuel prices soar across the West and there is no end in sight yet. As the patience of the people toward their helpless governments starts to run dry, there seems to be only one outlier – Hungary.


Orbán’s Challenge to Uphold Christian Democracy

Those wishing to see a fully secularised European Union and who seek to ultimately undermine religion cannot help but tremble now that Hungarians overwhelmingly gave Viktor Orbán a mandate to safeguard and promote Christian democracy.

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-16 - 22.39.58

Putin’s War Through the Eyes of a Historian

Although Vladimir Putin likes to pose as a historian, it seems that he failed to learn from history that blitzkrieg-type invasions rarely worked in the 75 years since the Second World War – emphasized Mr. Roberts.


The Forgotten Genocide in Yemen

Why has the majority of the international community criminalised Vladimir Putin, but has for the past seven years refrained from publicly challenging or criticising the US government’s implicit role in the Yemeni genocide?


NATO’S Lack of Will to Engage Russia

If NATO has already been militarily involved in non-member countries at the behest of Washington, why is it reluctant to assist Ukraine with anything but with arms provisions?