Post-colonial guilt trip? Pro-Palestinian protesters gather in London to protest the siege of Gaza, London, UK

The Political Implications of 7 October 2023

‘We must defeat, not pacify, the Palestinian dream of annihilating Israel. Defeat, not come to terms with nor even deter. But this may well turn out to be a historical turning point of history beyond Israel because it is a wake-up call for the West in general. The West has lost its immune system in a multicultural haze that has left it unable to see differences.’

The Ten Commandments in Front of the City Hall in Chiefland, Florida

Some Reflections on the Term ‘Judeo-Christian’

‘The notion of ‘Judeo-Christian’, putting aside its religious connotation, as the foundation of Western civility is rather arbitrary, if not ambiguous. Various Christian fundamentalists and self-proclaimed traditional Catholics have employed the ‘Judeo-Christian’ discourse to justify their backing of Israel, despite the term being neither eschatological nor doctrinal. ’

Migrants arrive in the harbour of Italian island of Lampedusa, on 18 September 2023

Migration Seen as Bigger Threat than Russia by Europeans

According to a recent survey, Europeans express greater apprehension towards migration and radical Islamist terrorism than towards the threat posed by Russia. The findings of the poll suggest a significant disconnect between the issues European elites focus on and the genuine concerns of the general populace.

Tucker Carlson in August 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.

EU Could Sanction Tucker Carlson over Interviewing Vladimir Putin

Left-wing MEPs led by Guy Verhofstadt want to impose sanctions on Tucker Carlson for interviewing Vladimir Putin. The crackdown on the former Fox News anchor is a perfect illustration of the double standards set by Brussels concerning freedom of expression and freedom of the press, which is often applied to Hungary as well.

Brussels’ Climate Goal: Ambitious But Not so Clever

Brussels recently unveiled its climate target, adjusted in the wake of the farmer protests. However, the ambitious plan is still founded on a flawed approach: the EU is prioritizing mitigation over adaptation, imposing a greater financial burden on member states than what is truly necessary.