Hungarian Conservative

Jean-Luc Mélenchon celebrates at the election night of left-wing party La France Insoumise (LFI) following the first results of the second round of France's legislative election in Paris on 7 July 2024.

Is France Dead?

‘The left and progressives are following the same strategy everywhere in Europe. Scholz, in 2023, said he hoped to naturalize two million immigrants and soften the immigration law to attract up to 400,000 non-EU immigrants. In Spain we experienced it a few months ago, when the fact of regularizing half a million people was supported with the positive vote of all parties except Vox. The real problem will emerge when these illegal immigrants start to create their parties and win elections.’

George Soros addresses the European Parliament in Brussels on 30 June 2016.

Viktor Orbán Speech on Soros Plan Goes Viral on X

A clip of PM Orbán of Hungary citing George Soros’ European migration plan published in 2015 in Project Syndicate was recently shared on the social media site X in reference to the election results in the United Kingdom and France, and garnered over 25,000 likes within 12 hours.

UPDATED: Le Pen’s RN, Salvini’s Lega Join Patriots for Europe, Making New Alliance Third Largest in the European Parliament

On the afternoon of 8 July, Patriots for Europe, the sovereigntist alliance recently founded by Viktor Orbán, Herbert Kickl, and Andrej Babiš, is to officially become a political group in the European Parliament. Over the weekend, several right-wing parties across Europe announced their accession. With the arrival of Marine Le Pen’s RN and, most likely, with Salvini’s League, Patriots for Europe are set to overtake Giorgia Meloni’s European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) as third largest group in the EP.

The national flags of (L-R) Kosovo, Montenegro’s North Macedonia, Serbia, and the European Union are set up on a stage for a group photo during the Western Balkans Summit at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, Germany, on 21 October 2022

EU Enlargement: Is Ukraine Overtaking the Western Balkans on a Bend?

The integration of the countries of the region into the EU is a decades-long process, the positive outcome of which is still to be seen. Thus, the number of Eurosceptics in the region has multiplied in recent years. As a consequence of the protracted accession negotiations, which have not even started for several Western Balkan states, some countries in the region have forged closer economic, political, and cultural ties with non-EU actors.

The Secession of the People to the Mons Sacer by B. Barloccini (1849)

American Democracy, Like All Regimes, Dies Slowly

‘The fate of American democracy—and democracy more broadly throughout the West—depends on social, cultural, demographic, and technological trends and changes that have been ongoing for quite some time now. It may perhaps be too late to reverse these trends, and the fixation on individual figures fails to address the real issues at hand. As history has shown, the unraveling of social cohesion, coupled with technological disruptions, erodes the very foundations of democratic systems.’

Leader of Reform UK Nigel Farage delivers a speech from the roof of a Land Rover during a general election campaign event by Clacton Pier, in Clacton, South-East England on 3 July 2024.

A Birmingham Bardella: Could The British Youth Be About To Turn Right?

‘It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that same forces that saw the young turn out en masse for the far left Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 have begun to circle around Farage. Like Corbyn, he is an anti-politics figure for an anti-politics age. Like Corbyn, he scandalises the Westminster establishment.’

Viktor Orbán and Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv on 2 July 2024

Let Us Be Clear: We Do Not Serve Russian Interests!

‘If the Hungarian government’s foreign policy in recent months had truly been to serve Russian interests, then, for example, the NATO secretary general would not have left Budapest with a free hand from Hungary to negotiate and conduct NATO training and support for Ukraine, as well as to undertake a long-term financial commitment required for military support, even if Hungary will not itself participate in these NATO efforts.’

Former EC President Jean-Claude Juncker Bashes Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán in Interview

According to former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán aims to create ‘maximum discomfort’ for the new European Parliament with his newly established right-wing alliance, Patriots for Europe. Juncker harshly criticized the Hungarian PM as well as former US President Donald Trump in an interview with POLITICO.

New Dutch Prime Minister Sworn Into Office

Dick Schoof, the 67-year-old independent former Director-General of the General Intelligence and Security Service, arose as a compromise candidate for prime minister after seven months of negotiations between the winning PVV party and its coalition partners. The new cabinet has vowed to implement the strictest migration and asylum policy in the history of the country.