Hungarian Conservative

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán speaking at the 32nd Bálványos Free Summer University and Student Camp, 2023

Hungary Is about to Deliver a Long-Awaited, Meaningful EU Presidency

‘Hungary is set to take over the rotating EU Presidency in July 2024, a development that has provoked mixed feelings among certain political factions…Nonetheless, Hungary has proven to be a formidable participant in these disputes, fully aware of its rights within the EU legal framework and prepared to advocate for them vigorously.’

Giorgia Meloni Endorses Hungarian Stance against Migrant Redistribution

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni believes that the only viable path which takes everyone’s interests into account is to have a debate on how to stop illegal immigration into Europe. ‘The only serious approach involves cooperation with the origin and transit countries,’ she emphasized at a press event in Milan on Tuesday.

Gustave Doré, Arrival of Charon (1857). Illustration to the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Private Collection

Navigare necesse est: The Reshuffling of the World Order as Seen from Hungary

‘As opposed to the European mainstream, which proclaims multiculturalism but in reality wraps itself up in cultural arrogance, Hungary’s openness and pragmatic stance towards the seven eighths of the world that is outside the Western realm already confer an advantage upon us. If the framework of the world as we know it crumbles against our will, this cultural openness of ours may well supply the footing for us from which to enter the next period with confidence. For navigare necesse est—Sail we must.’

David Cameron and Péter Szijjártó in their meeting on 8 May 2024 in London.

Szijjártó Meets Cameron in London, Delivers Remarks at Chatham House

The Hungarian Foreign Minister was in London on Wednesday for talks with his UK counterpart, David Cameron, discussing the war in Ukraine, migration, and energy issues. Péter Szijjártó also participated in a panel discussion at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, arguing, among other things, for the need to replace the Brussels leadership.

Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii (Le Serment des Horaces) (1784). Musée du Louvre, Paris, France

Constitutionally Immune to International Disorders Affecting Sovereignty

‘Democracy, as a concept, is inherently subject to interpretation and enforcement from within. This underscores the imperative: political disputes find resolution within domestic arenas and nowhere else, and unwavering loyalty is owed solely to one’s political adversaries, without allegiance to any foreign entity.’