Hungarian Conservative

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes

NatCon, the Debacle of Democracy and the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

‘Elite structures tend to consolidate a prevailing view whether that be the dictatorship of the proletariat or the dictatorship of the ‘trahison des clercs’ of Brussels. There seems to be no leadership in Europe; a reflection of the growing bureau government of Brussels. Europe, the crucible of nation states since the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), is in crisis. It is the days of Weimar all over again. A resurgent right, a distrust of the organs of democracy. When representative democracy is exposed as leaderless and corruption, there is an inevitable pushback.’

Insanely Woke Head of Child Safety Fired From Google

The former Head of Child safety lost her job at the tech giant for taking part in a sit-in protest against Google doing business with the Israeli government. However, a subsequent search into her social media history uncovered that she has also had very strange opinions on sexual assault.

Uniting the Right in the New European Parliament — Reality or Wishful Thinking?

While one might envision the European right as a cohesive entity, significant differences exist between the two prominent EP political groups, ECR and ID, particularly on crucial issues such as the war in Ukraine. As the summer EP elections draw nearer, the pressing question revolves around whether and how the conservative forces across the continent can be unified in the new parliament.

Rwanda Migrant Relocation Bill Passes in British Parliament

After years of negotiations and legal battles, the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill passed on the floor of Parliament, with 240 members voting ‘content’ and 211 voting ‘not content’. Welcoming the passing of the bill, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated that planes with migrants on board will be ready to take off and fly to Rwanda in East Africa in 10–12 weeks.

Global Marijuana March, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2016

The Liberal ‘Opium’ for Social Crises: Drug Legalization

‘First, cannabis was licensed for medical use, then legalization became more widespread. It is the typical slippery slope. In fact, there are doors that, once opened, cannot be closed. Society-shaping (disruptive) philanthropists like George Soros, who have been at the forefront of making drug use easier for decades, know this all too well.’

The UAE-made guided-glide weapon Desert Sting-16

Hungary and United Arab Emirates Sign Military Cooperation Agreement

The minister underscored that strengthening ties with the United Arab Emirates, a significant economic and military power in the Gulf region, can complement Hungary’s defence development programme, whether it involves defence-oriented research, innovation, or the manufacturing of military equipment.

Overpopulation - illustration (Pixabay)

Overpopulation: Debunking the Malthusian Doctrine

‘The apocalyptic notion of overpopulation, which is taught in grade schools, instilled in centers of higher education, and pushed by NGOs, has even drawn together conservative politicians with their left colleagues, though for different motives. The latter sustain the pretext of saving the environment at all cost, even at the cost of human beings themselves. The former, instead, argue on the vitality of offsetting the growing fertility among immigrants with that of their decreasing indigenous population.’