Hungarian Conservative

Péter Szijjártó (L) with Speaker of the Knesset Amir Ohana on 9 February 2024 at the UN in New York,

Hungary, Czechia Oppose EU Sanctions on Israeli Citizens

Hungary and Czechia have been the only members of the EU that have consistently declared support for the Israeli government, both before and since the 7 October massacres. Last December, they were among the ten nations that voted against a resolution at the UN General Assembly calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

The Muse Clio by François Boucher (1750s)

Americans’ Problem with History

‘Allowing a diversity of opinion to inform one’s judgment really can be a source of strength. And, to paraphrase Cicero, taking history seriously is necessary if you wish to be a grown-up on the world stage, not a child, stomping around looking for somewhere to bomb, and somewhere else to bully.’

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele addresses his supporters from the balcony of the Presidential Palace in San Salvador after his re-election in the 4 February 2024 presidential election.

El Salvador: A Lesson in Geopolitical Leverage

US foreign policy is set ‘to remain volatile and subject to disruption with changes of government and the whims of the political class. For a country like Hungary—arguably lacking the same geopolitical leverage vis-à-vis Washington—the Salvadoran reality might not offer a blueprint, but it does present a lesson’, our contributor Michael O’Shea argues.

ECR Co-Chair Nicola Procaccini addresses the European Parliament in Strasbourg in the debate on the frozen EU funds for Hungary on 17 January 2024.

European Reformers and Conservatives Get Stronger as Elections Approach

According to Italian press reports, on the margins of the latest EU summit Viktor Orbán indicated that Fidesz is ready to join the ECR after the elections. The move would significantly swell the ranks of the ECR, considering that Fidesz is projected to win 14 seats (of Hungary’s 21), sending quite a sizable delegation to the European Parliament.

Historian Dénes Sokcsevits with Gergely Szilvay, a chief staff writer at Mandiner.

We Have Lived in the Same Country for Almost a Thousand Years, Yet We Hardly Know Anything about Them: An Interview about Our Croatian Brothers

‘As I myself experienced as the first director of the Hungarian Cultural Centre (Liszt Institute) in Zagreb, which opened in January 2014, Croats have a positive attitude towards Hungarian culture. The Institute is now ten years old, very active, and there is a huge interest in Hungarian culture.’ Read Mandiner’s in-depth interview on Croatian– Hungarian relations with historian Dénes Sokcsevits.

Tucker Carlson in August 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.

EU Could Sanction Tucker Carlson over Interviewing Vladimir Putin

Left-wing MEPs led by Guy Verhofstadt want to impose sanctions on Tucker Carlson for interviewing Vladimir Putin. The crackdown on the former Fox News anchor is a perfect illustration of the double standards set by Brussels concerning freedom of expression and freedom of the press, which is often applied to Hungary as well.