Hungarian Conservative

‘Florida’s Orbán’ DeSantis Drops Out, Endorses Trump

Governor Ron DeSantis has often been accused by the left-wing mainstream media in the US of closely emulating Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán. However, Orbán has always shown his preference for Former President Trump. With DeSantis dropping out, are Viktor Orbán’s ideas out of the race or not?

Volumes of the English edition of András (Andrew) Ludányi’s book.

My American Road Trip: From WWII to the 21st Century – A Review of András (Andrew) Ludányi’s Book

The book is extremely valuable in many aspects, for instance because it sheds light on the complex structure of the Hungarian immigrant society as well as of those of the Hungarian minorities in Transylvania and Vojvodina, and historical episodes less known to readers in the Hungarian homeland, thus providing valuable insights for those involved in diaspora studies, not only for interested non-professional readers.

Whose Values Are We Working For?

‘We are concerned, then, not only with education, but to also with helping people clarify their thoughts and reach the proper conclusions, and also with embodying and institutionalizing a set of fundamental values and a view of the world. We are convinced that, unless our values prevail and rule, unless it is our worldview which determines the shape of the future by setting men’s priorities and guiding them in their decisions, then there will be no future…’

Is the United States Really ‘a Nation of Immigrants’?

When arguing against stricter immigration laws, some on the left like to appeal to the significance of migration in American history. However, the truth is that there has never been a popular demand for lack of immigration control in the United States.

Viktor Orbán arrives for the two-day meeting of EU heads of state and government in Brussels on 15 December 2023.

2024 — The Year of Sovereignty Protection

As for 2024: once we have passed the most difficult and dangerous year, we can move on to the next one, the year of sovereignty protection. We who are interested in Hungary remaining a Hungarian country.

A family of four sitting at the top of a mountain (illustration, Pixabay)

People All Over the World Vote for Family

‘Family is not the cause, but the solution to climate change. A European study conducted in 2021 by the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) found that large families live more environmentally conscious and pay more attention to protecting the environment than others, precisely because thus they protect the future of their children.’

Brussels’ Rule of Law Concerns: A Mask for Hidden Agendas

Ursula von der Leyen’s recent remarks have confirmed it that the freezing of EU funds to Hungary was never primarily motivated by concerns about the rule of law. The withholding of the funds has rather been used as a tool to impose a leftist agenda on Hungary, including gender ideology and migration.