Hungarian Conservative

The Hungarian king saints on the altar painting of the St Martin's Church in Szepeshely (Spišská Kapitula) in the Upper Lands (Slovakia).

Giving All for the Motherland, Betraying Her Never

27 June is the Day of Hungarian Border Guards. The geographic location of our country and the very fact that it is the eastern bulwark of Western Christianity obliged it in the past and is still predestining it today to be one of the guardians of European civilisation and the peace of the continent.

Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

The Orbán-Erdoğan Alliance: Shared Values or Common Interests?

Given Erdoğan’s pro-Ottoman policies, many were a bit surprised that the first to congratulate him in his victory, even two weeks before the runoff when he was projected as the frontrunner, was Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The paradox in this is that both are ardent defenders of their respective faiths that have historically been in conflict with each other.

Government to Abolish Price Caps Starting August, Introduces New Measures to Help Young Couples Start a Family

Minister Gulyás announced that the maximum amount of the childbirth incentive loan (Babaváró hitel) will increase to 11 million forints. This change will come into effect in 2024 and will apply to couples where the woman is under 30 years old. also announced that the food price caps will be extended for one more month, but they will be phased out as of August as they have fulfilled their purpose. Forecasts indicate that inflation is decreasing. At the same time, food retailers mandatory discounts will be increased from 10 to 15 per cent.

Government Adopts Economic Defence Action Plan

He also stated that next year the country will have sufficient resources, for the first time since the regime change, to meet the NATO obligation of allocating 2 per cent of GDP to defence spending.

Member of European Parliament Judith Sargentini (C) votes on the situation in Hungary during a voting session at the European Parliament on September 12, 2018 in Strasbourg, eastern France.

‘Hungary Bashing’ — Pressure by MEPs is Likely to Intensify in the Run-up to the Elections

The European Parliament is trying to do everything in its power to politicise and ideologise the disagreements between the EU institutions and the Hungarian government. The MEPs attacking Hungary seem to be forgetting what the role assigned to them in the treaties is, and instead of fulfilling their role of EU co-legislators, they pretend that they are sitting on the opposition benches of the Hungarian parliament.

Aerial image of the Hirschberg Castle

Regent Horthy’s Israeli Friend Reuven Hecht and His Efforts to Help the Horthy Family

Reuven Hecht was a right-wing Zionist who worked with the revisionist movement’s founding father, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and after the founding of the state, became an Israeli entrepreneur and right-wing politician. Today, a museum and park in the Jewish state bear his name. After trying to help the Horthy family obtain a Swiss visa, he remained in correspondence with them until his death in 1993.

Viktor Orbán speaking at the leadership meeting of CDI in Bled, Slovenia on 18 May 2023.

Viktor Orbán: The Situation in Ukraine is More Serious than Ever

According to the prime minister, the ongoing conflict contains numerous unpredictable factors. In light of this, it is crucial for the organisations and leaders responsible for Hungary’s security to remain vigilant and prepared to take action whatever the circumstances might be.


Renitent Member States to Pay Huge Sums if They Do Not Accept a Certain Number of Immigrants

Based on the above formulation, some have already suggested that there is actually no mandatory migrant quota, as states can decide for themselves how they show solidarity with other member states, so the claim to the contrary is just another Hungarian government talking point. Of course, it is possible that a Member State does not have to accept immigrants into the country in a physical sense, but in this case renitent countries must compensate for their recalcitrance with heavy sums of money or other material expenditures.