Hungarian Conservative

Maastricht 31: A Brief Overview of a Janus-faced Treaty

The Maastricht Treaty is undoubtedly one of the most important achievements of European integration. Precisely for this reason it is painful that the principle of subsidiarity, as one of the most important aspects of the instrument, is one of the least respected of all EU values.

Austria and Hungary See Eye to Eye on Ukraine

‘Hungary and Austria are good neighbours and maintain very close cooperation in almost all areas, including the field of the military and defence,’ the Hungarian Minister of Defence underlined after meeting with his Austrian counterpart in Budapest.

Values Under Siege — A Survey Mapping the Value Orientation of Western Europeans and Hungarians

‘In the present European political space, the elites are making considerable efforts to transform societies along certain lines that are dubbed “progressive”. However, the data show that members of European societies, on the contrary, believe that society must be developed gradually through reforms. In Hungary, compared to the average, significantly fewer people agree that society must be changed in a radical, revolutionary way.’

The Seven Lean Years Are Here

Upon the advent of the new decade, it was expected that the 2020s would be challenging even without a major economic crisis or another high-impact, low-probability event after the COVID–19 pandemic.