Hungarian Conservative

Peter Paul Rubens, Minerva Protects Pax from Mars (between 1629 and 1630). National Gallery, London, UK

Of War and Peace

This study focuses on questions related to the Russia–Ukraine War, one of the most dramatic events in contemporary European history. It seeks to examine the extent to which the citizens of Europe feel that the official positions of Brussels (the EU) and NATO, and the resultant decisions, are their own.

Balázs Orbán delivers his opening address at the Danube-Heritage 4th Geopolitical Summit in Budapest on 17 September 2024.

The Age of Sovereignty vs Crusading American Utopianism — Will Ideological Wars End?

‘Today, the Hungarian capital is part of the ongoing political discussion at the highest levels of American political life—for better or for worse. Hungary is either a symbol of all that is bad in the Western world—that’s how progressives, liberals, and neoconservatives see it; or it’s a plucky resister to globalism, social liberalism, and mass migration, a laboratory for a new kind of right-of-center policymaking.’

Danube Institute Geopolitical Summit Kicks Off with Keynote Speech from Balázs Orbán

In his keynote speech at the fourth Danube Institute – The Heritage Foundation Geopolitical Summit, Political Director for the Prime Minister of Hungary Balázs Orbán talked about how the current liberal world order is changing, and conservatives now have the chance to not be the ‘losers’ of the new world order. He also stressed the importance of favouring family policies instead of migration for the solution to the demographic challenges; as well as the upcoming presidential election in the US.

In Most of the Western World, Every Day Is Still 6 October

‘Mass immigration has changed the face of Europe. This is not to say that all immigrants are evil, but we would be blind to ignore the growing social, ethnic and religious tensions and security challenges that mass migration has brought to Europe in recent decades. As many have pointed out several times, one of the first victims of this is European Jewry.’

Leader of the French party Rassemblement National Marine Le Pen and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán attend a joint press conference in the Prime Minister’s office, Budapest, Hungary, 26 October 2021.

A European Alternative: The Origin and Future of Patriots for Europe

‘Although the political forces thinking in terms of a European alternative failed to replace the Brussels Grand Coalition in the 2024 EP elections, there is a real chance that they could organize themselves into a new right-wing pole in the next five years, which could bring about a real systemic change in Brussels politics.’