Hungarian Conservative

A member of the Israeli security forces stands near burning cars following a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip in Ashkelon, southern Israel, on 7 October 2023.

‘Four painful miracles occurred on 7 October’ — IDF Counter-Terrorism Officer Dr Yair Ansbacher’s Lecture in Budapest

‘His holocaust-survivor grandfather highlighted that he should kiss his weapon as now, unlike during the Holocaust, the Jewish people have the privilege from God to defend themselves. This is why, as Dr Ansbacher explained, when Hamas invaded Israel, they didn’t find helpless Jewish people, but thousands of strong soldiers, police officers, Special Forces, and also regular people who were able to defend themselves.’

The West’s Controversial Hypocrisy Unveiled by the War in Ukraine

‘Bluntly, the war in Ukraine has unveiled the West’s ESG goals for the hypocrisy they are. The political and business leaders who promoted them are now caught up in their own contradictions,’ Khaled Abou Zahr has written in an opinion piece published by Arab News. The article highlights the contradictions between Western leaders’ warmongering statements and their promotion of green policies and a sustainable future.

What Joe Biden Dropping Out Means for the 2024 Election Chances

In an unprecedented twist of events, we now have the incumbent party running a non-incumbent candidate, while the non-incumbent party is running a former incumbent candidate. The incumbent advantage is a well-documented phenomenon in American politics, a lot of which is due to simple name recognition. This aspect now heavily favours Former President Trump.

Escalation Threatens Middle East as Israel Retaliates Against Yemeni Houthis

The level of escalation in the Middle East has risen significantly after Israel struck a Houthi-controlled port in Yemen over the weekend, marking the first such attack since the war between Hamas and Israel broke out last October. The retaliatory strike follows a deadly drone attack by the Yemeni Houthis on Tel Aviv.

Anti-war demonstration in Karlsruhe, Germany on 23 September 2023. The inscription on the statue says ‘All wars are crimes against humanity.’

Orbán’s Peace Mission Highlights the Need to Consider All Peace Plans

Despite the series of peace plans formulated over the last years, the positions of the presidents of the warring nations, Zelenskyy and Putin still look irreconcilable. As Prime Minister Orbán highlighted on numerous occasions, however, ‘peace won’t happen of its own accord’ and ‘without dialogue it is very difficult to see how they will move in the direction of peace’.

Elon Musk at the Milken Institute’s Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California on 6 May 2024

Elon Musk Accuses EU of Secret Censorship Scheme

Thanks to Musk, X has become one of the world’s most prominent free-speech platforms. During the July 13 attempted assassination of President Trump, establishment media pushed false and egregiously misleading headlines, while failing to deliver timely news updates. In contrast, X enabled citizen journalists to work together to quickly assess the unfolding horrors. But according to the European Commission, X ‘deceives users’ with its blue check verification system, lacks advertising transparency, and restricts data access for researchers.

St John of Capistrano – Combative Lion at the Service of the Church

St John of Capistrano, Hero of the 1456 Victory at Nándorfehérvár

The crusader army numbering tens of thousands that St John of Capistrano recruited played an important role in the successful defence of the Fortress of Nándorfehérvár and in the battle that ended the siege. John Hunyadi would have been defeated at the fortress walls if Capistrano had not attacked the Ottoman camp with his crusaders on 21 July.

Fans of the German national team cheer after the victory of the German national basket team against Japan on 19 July 2024 in Berlin.

Germany’s Shocking Census Data: Pitying the Germans

‘The changing demographic in German cities, where traditional characteristics are diminishing, also signifies deep socio-political shifts. Addressing these transformations is crucial, as they pose implications for democratic integrity and the rule of law, transcending partisan narratives.’

Meeting of Francis II Rákóczi and Tamás Esze

When the Hungarians Took Their Fate into Their Own Hands, Defying the Might of Europe — Rákóczi’s War of Independence

Two important events played a role in Rákóczi’s return to Hungary in 1703. On the one hand, the unfolding War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714), which meant the withdrawal of most of the imperial regiments from the country, and on the other, the uprising of the serfs of Munkács, provided the perfect opportunity for Rákóczi to organize an armed rebellion. At the request of Tamás Esze, the leader of the uprising in the Tiszahát region, Francis II Rákóczi took the lead in the what developed into a War of Independence, issuing a proclamation calling on nobles and non-nobles alike to take up arms.