Hungarian Conservative

Post-colonial guilt trip? Pro-Palestinian protesters gather in London to protest the siege of Gaza, London, UK

The Political Implications of 7 October 2023

‘We must defeat, not pacify, the Palestinian dream of annihilating Israel. Defeat, not come to terms with nor even deter. But this may well turn out to be a historical turning point of history beyond Israel because it is a wake-up call for the West in general. The West has lost its immune system in a multicultural haze that has left it unable to see differences.’

Spectators at the first Drone Racing World Cup Hungary at the ZalaZONE technology park in Zalaegerszeg on 18 September 2022.

The Digital Future of Hungary and Central Europe Depend on Cybersecurity Alliances

‘While Hungary and Poland ensure their reactionary abilities remain strong through their respective memberships in NATO, the rapidly developing world of cyber affairs and the dangers they come with require a proactive approach to avoid potential vulnerabilities in national infrastructure. Budapest has already begun to implement such an approach.’

Resurrection of Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Christian Gottlieb Geissler (1794)

Political Religion and Democracy

Paradoxically, it seems that democracy can only sustain itself and protect itself from collapse, (tyranny and chaos) precisely by what is not democratic in it. It seems that it is always easier to justify democracy with a quasi-mystical hypothesis than with one that starts from the existing conditions of political realities. In democracy, we can clearly say that there is a huge gap between the ‘ideal’ and the ‘realistic’ and precisely because of this democracy definitely needs a ‘leap of faith.’ 

Frans Snyders and Peter Paul Rubens, Prometheus Bound (ca. 1611-1618). Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Islamophobia, Christophobia, and the Suicide of the West

‘Only the West killed God, and they did it twice for good measure: once on the cross, and more recently via the Enlightenment project to transform the world through progress, secularism, and science, rendering religion either rational or irrelevant.’